Sign up today: President Kavalhuna and Michelangelo Molinari lead employees vs. students friendly hoops game

HFC President Russ Kavalhuna has challenged the student body to a friendly game of basketball on Wednesday, April 17, at 4:00 p.m. in the gymnasium of the Athletic Memorial Building (Building H on the main campus).
Kavalhuna will captain the team of HFC employees interested in taking on the students. Michelangelo Molinari from Student Council will lead the student team. You don't have to be a hoops warrior or skilled player to join the team; all skill levels are invited.
Register by Friday, April 12 to join the employee or student team for the April 17 game. The registration page includes a waiver that you must complete to participate in the game.
Join us for a thrilling matchup on the court, or to cheer on the teams! For questions or more information, contact Cassandra Fluker at 313-845-9838 or