College Store Book Buyback dates for Winter 2024 (only 4 days!)

Event Date
The College Store (Building C)
US hundred dollar bill used as bookmark in a textbook.

The College Store (Building C on the main campus) will hold its end-of-the-semester book buyback sale in late April and early May.

You can sell your textbooks from the Winter 2024 semester back to the College Store on the following four days:

  • Tuesday, April 30, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Wednesday, May 1, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Thursday, May 2, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  • Friday, May 3, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

A valid photo ID (HFC student ID card or a driver’s license) is required when in-store book buybacks are in effect. You may sell your books back to the College Store or through another vendor.

Buyback information

The College Store makes available a large quantity of used books, which are available at 75% of the new book price. To make this possible, the College Store buys books back from students during finals week of each semester. All textbooks purchased by cash, check, credit card, financial aid, or sponsorship are eligible for book buyback. Course books may be sold back for up to 50% of the current book price.

In-demand vs. not in-demand

Books that are not in demand at HFC might still have value. The book buyer may make you an offer based on the national demand for the book. The value of these books will be less than the price offered for books that are in demand at HFC.

Normally a single dollar amount is quoted for a stack of books being sold, but the book buyer will quote you individual prices on books if you request it. You are under no pressure to sell your books if you do not wish to accept the offer.

Before selling your books back, please be certain you will not need them for future classes. Some books have no commercial value (i.e., old editions, overstocks, loose leaf, workbooks, damaged books) and cannot be purchased.

The College Store will buy back textbooks only during April 30 to May 3, the designated dates for Book Buyback.

How we set buyback prices

There are several factors that impact book buyback prices:

  • Whether or not an instructor has decided to reuse the book.
  • Whether or not a publisher has published a new edition of the book.
  • An instructor has discontinued using the book or has not decided on a book yet.
  • The book is in poor condition and cannot be resold.
  • The College Store is overstocked.
  • The book has little or no national demand.

Rented textbook returns

Textbooks rented for the Winter 2024 semester are due by Saturday, May 4. You may return the rented textbooks at the drop box located by the east entrance of the Learning Success Center (Building A on the main campus) or in-store.

For questions or more information, contact the College Store at 313-845-9603 or