13 HFC Honors students will present research at Winter 2023 Symposium

The HFC Henry Ford II Honors Program will host its Winter 2023 Honors Symposium Friday, April 28, from 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. in the atrium and in the Honors Hub (Room K-14) of the Reuther Liberal Arts Building (Bldg. K) on the main campus.
This semester's symposium will feature multiple student research projects. Topics will range from ABA therapy (applied behavioral analysis for children with autism) to food insecurity on college campuses.
“We will have 13 second-year students presenting their semester research. We will recognize our May graduates and will close out the semester for the Honors program,” said Honors program director Dr. Adam Hazlett. “We have topics ranging from food insecurity on campus to how humans perceive crime and those who commit it. It looks like there will be some great research. Beyond that, this is a great opportunity for academic discussion and fellowship.”
We encourage you to attend this event and engage with the Honors students, asking questions about their projects and the impact of their research.
Light refreshments will be served. This event is free and open to the public. For questions or more information, contact Hazlett at ahazlett@hfcc.edu.