HFC Honors Hub is “unofficially” open!

When it officially opens in the Fall 2022 semester, the HFC Henry Ford II Honors Program will have a new Honors Hub on the main campus.
But who wants to wait four months? The students are already actively using the space, and by all accounts, they are loving their new, dedicated home for collaboration, study, gathering, relaxation, and building connections and community.
The Honors Hub is on the first floor of the Reuther Liberal Arts Building (Bldg. K). It is the former location of the Social Sciences Division, which has been completely remodeled.
“The Hub will be the home away from home for our honors students here at the College. It is equipped with a kitchenette, two bathrooms, a study room, and even a sensory breakout room. The latter is to help neurodivergent students, and any student who wants a quiet, low-sensory environment,” said Honors Program director Dr. Adam Hazlett.
There is even a space for four-year university partners to connect with Honors students to help them solidify the next steps in their educational journey.
Funding for the renovations was provided by the Ford family. There will be opportunities to thank the Fords, and opportunities for the College community to tour the space once the renovations are complete and the official opening takes place in the fall.
For questions or more information about the Honors Hub and/or the Honors Program, contact Hazlett at ahazlett@hfcc.edu.
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