Join us for the semi-annual State of the College events in January and August
The College hosts an employee-specific event two times each year, at the beginning of the Fall and Winter semesters. These events are called the State of the College.
The events serve as a sort of convocation, bringing employees together to welcome them back at the beginning of each semester. They are lively and social at the beginning, and information-rich throughout.
Typically, the President talks about major happenings at the College, introduces new employees, and showcases select accomplishments.
This event is held in-person in the Forfa auditorium in the ASCC Building. Breakfast is served beforehand in the ASCC Atrium.
Timeline is usually breakfast at 8:30 a.m., event from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., and then the Faculty Org meets right after the conclusion of the State of the College.
The January event is normally held the Wednesday prior to the start of the Winter semester. The August event is normally held the Tuesday prior to the start of the Fall semester.
The Welcome Center is closed for this event so that front-line employees may attend. The President and Cabinet encourage all employees to attend the State of the College twice per year.
Employees are notified of the State of the College events by email and sent a registration form where you can register. If you have not received your email message two weeks before the event, please contact and they will send you the link.