Fast Facts

This is a central location for demographic, financial, and program facts about Henry Ford College. If you have questions, contact

Here you will find fast facts about Henry Ford College's student enrollment, faculty, operating budget, College sports, arts, performances, and more.

This website is updated annually in the late Fall.

HFC Fast Facts is also available as a PDF (see bottom of page) and as a printed booklet, updated annually, that you may obtain by emailing

Student Profile


72% Attend day classes
17% Attend both day and evening classes
11% Attend evening classes

36% Full-time students
64% Part-time students


Female: 57%
Male: 43%


21 and older: 45%
20 and younger: 55%
Average age: 23


2% Hispanic/Latino
1% Non-Resident Alien
3% Asian
3% Two or More Races
13% Black or African American
22% Middle Eastern/North African
36% White
20% Race and Ethnicity Unknown

Faculty and Staff

Financial Aid

of non-dual enrollment students receive some form of financial aid.

$51 million
in financial aid was distributed to students during the 2022-23 academic year.

students were awarded financial aid for the 2022-23 academic year.

Tuition rates for 2023-2024

Operating Budget

2022-2023 Revenue by Funding Source

HFC Schools

School of Liberal Arts (SoLA)

22 programs

School of Business, Entrepreneurship, and Professional Development (BEPD)

98 programs

School of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM)

12 programs

School of Health and Human Services (HHS)

34 programs

Arts and Culture

HFC offers entertainment (musical, dance, and theatre performances, an art gallery, sporting events), career fairs, lectures, seminars, and many other events that are open to the public.

HFC Athletics

PDF and printed versions of HFC Fast Facts

Printed publication

You may obtain a printed copy of Fast Facts by emailing a request to

PDF file

A PDF version of the 2023-2024 Fast Facts is here. Please note that this PDF was not able to be modified to meet all accessibility standards, due to the way the original publication file was created. For an accessible version of this content, please use this webpage, or request a printed copy of the publication.