Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement (AP) is a program available to selected students in area high schools that provides the opportunity to accelerate their educational program by taking, in their senior year of high school, one or more subjects taught on a college level.

How AP Works

AP course subjects cover material of a college course and provide students an opportunity to advance their college education before they complete high school. The College Entrance Examination Board gives Advanced Placement (AP) Examinations that cover advanced work in May of each year. Scores from the AP Examinations are used by HFC and other colleges and universities to determine how much college credit can be received for any given course. Information regarding these examinations and dates is available through the student's high school.

Receiving Credit for AP Courses at HFC

The schools of HFC determine what advanced placement courses will receive college credit at HFC, as well as the minimum score required. Students of Henry Ford College who wish to receive Advanced Placement credits must submit an official copy of the Advanced Placement test scores from the College Entrance Examination Board to the Office of Registration and Records at the following address:

Henry Ford College Office of Registration and Records 5101 Evergreen Road Dearborn, MI 48128

After the official transcript and request forms have been received, the Office of Registration and Records will be responsible for:

  1. Establishing an official student record and recording the Advanced Placement Course(s) on the student’s official Henry Ford College transcript.
  2. Sending a copy of the transcript to the student that identifies the Advanced Placement credits accepted by HFC.


Courses and Credit Hours Accepted

The following courses and credit hours are accepted through the College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement Program. If you have taken other courses that you think should qualify, please contact

AP Subject Score Required Credits Equivalent HFC Courses
American History 3 or above 3 semester hours HIST 151 or HIST 152
Biology 4 or 5 4 semester hours BIO 131
Chemistry 4 or 5 4 semester hours CHEM 111
Computer Science A 4 or 5 4 semester hours CIS 125
Computer Science Principles 4 or 5 3 semester hours CIS General Elective Credit
English Lang/Comp AND Lit Comp 4 or above in Lang Comp AND 3 or above in Lit Comp 3 semester hours each ENG 131 AND ENG 132
English Lang/Comp OR Lit Comp 3 or above 3 semester hours ENG 131
Environmental Science 4 or 5 3 semester hours BIO 138
French 3 4 semester hours FRE 131
French 4 or 5 8 semester hours FRE 131 and FRE 132
German 3 4 semester hours GER 131
German 4 or 5 8 semester hours GER 131 and GER 132
Macroeconomics 3 or above 3 semester hours BEC 151
Microeconomics 3 or above 3 semester hours BEC 152
Math (Calculus AB) 3 or above 5 semester hours MATH 180
Math (Calculus BC) 3 or above 10 semester hours MATH 180 and MATH 183
Math (Statistics) 3 or above 4 semester hours MATH 141
Music Appreciation 3 or above 2 semester hours MUS 131
Music Literature 3 or above 3 semester hours MUS 132
Music Theory 3 or above 4 semester hours MUS 135
Music Sight Singing 3 or above 2 semester hours MUS 141
Physics 1: Algebra-Based 3 or above 4 semester hours PHYS 131
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 4 or 5 5 semester hours PHYS 232
Physics C: Mechanics 4 or 5 5 semester hours PHYS 231
Political Science U.S. Government & Politics 3 or above 3 semester hours POLS 131
Precalculus 3 or above 5 semester hours MATH 175
Psychology Introduction to Psychology 3 or above 3 semester hours PSY 131
Spanish 3 4 semester hours SPN 131
Spanish 4 or 5 8 semester hours SPN 131 and SPN 132