THEA 135 Introduction to Stage Makeup

A 12-seat makeup station downstairs and eight additional chairs in backstage dressing rooms make study and application a breeze. Wigs for males and females are complimented by falls, beards, and mustaches. Scars, elf ears, noses and a variety of other attachments, along with a lab for custom construction, allows for those special touches. Commedia, neutral, decorative and fantasy masks are built or repainted for use in appropriate productions. Qualified students can design and create for production. Three current faculty have extensive experience in these areas.

THEA-135 Introduction to Stage Makeup

Credit Hours: 
Course Description: 

Provides an analysis of the basic functions of stage makeup, demonstrates the art of makeup application, and explores age, animal, fantasy, horror, and foam latex prosthetic makeup techniques. Students design and apply their own makeup as well as design and apply makeup for actors in HFC mainstage productions.

ENG-093 and/or ENG-081 eligible