Student Policies, Rights, and Responsibilities
As a welcoming and diverse College, our actions affect others. All members of the College community are responsible for understanding and adhering to HFC’s acceptable standards of behavior.
The following policies and procedures help students understand the expected standards of behavior, their rights, and methods for resolving conflicts at HFC. For more detailed information, please visit the HFC Policies website, or contact us with questions.
Our college is a community, and students have a significant impact on the quality of our community’s shared experience.
- Henry Ford College students show positive regard for the worth, dignity and property of others.
- Henry Ford College students are given and accept a high level of responsibility to self, to others and to the community.
- HFC employees can find additional support on the Faculty & Staff Portal.
Title IX Student Consumer Information Campus Safety Request Training
Student Code of Conduct
The Student Code of Conduct Policy and Due Process Procedure are in place to help protect your safety and well-being, and the well-being of the campus community. They also help provide a welcoming environment that supports your educational process. All of us are responsible for creating and maintaining a campus and online educational environment that is safe and supportive for all community members.
![A close up of a woman writing on paper on a clipboard.](/sites/hfcmain/files/photos/2024-09/student_complaint_policy_1200x880-1434437996.jpg)
Student Complaint Policy
If you are having significant difficulty and need to file a complaint, start with your instructor (for complaints about class issues) or a supervisor (for complaints about a non-faculty employee). You may use one of these four forms for anonymous complaints about conduct issues by students or employees. This complaint procedures document provides more details about the complaint process, and additional steps.
Academic Policies
As a student at HFC, we hold you to high academic standards and expect you to do the same for yourself. Listed here are policies that are related to your academic success, honesty finishing courses, and returning after a leave.
Academic Dishonesty and Forgiveness
- HFC considers academic dishonesty to be a serious offense. It is the policy of the College that determination of and appropriate action in respect to academic dishonesty by a student shall be a matter of individual judgment by the instructor.
- The purpose of academic forgiveness is to allow a student who has not performed well academically in the past to have a maximum of twelve (12) credit hours of “E” grades removed from his or her grade point average.
Academic Probation and Dismissal
Academic Probation and Dismissal Policy
A student is placed on academic probation when his or her cumulative GPA falls below the following levels:
- 1.50 GPA for 5-11 credit hours attempted;
- 1.75 GPA for 12-19 credit hours attempted;
- 1.85 GPA for 20-28 credit hours attempted; and
- 2.00 GPA for 29 or more credit hours attempted (the student is then subject to academic dismissal).
Once listed on academic probation, a hold is placed on the student’s record. This prevents the student from registering for classes until the student meets with a counselor to develop strategies and an academic plan that will move him or her from the standing of probation to "good standing." Once the student meets with the counselor, the hold will be removed.
Based on their assessment of each student’s needs, counselors may require enrollment in specific developmental courses before releasing students to register. Students may appeal such counselors’ decisions in writing to the Scholastic Review Board (SRB).
Returning probationary students who have not enrolled for one or more semesters are permitted to register only after meeting with a counselor.
Students on probation who have attempted more than 28 hours are dismissed from HFC for one full semester (fall or winter) unless they maintain a per semester GPA of 2.0 or above. Students on probation who are placed on academic dismissal, if currently attending classes, are permitted to complete the semester but cannot pre-enroll for the following semester. Dismissals may be appealed in writing to the SRB. Students are notified in writing of appeal procedures.
Students’ appeal letters may be directed to the SRB in care of the Office of the Registrar. Students who are not on academic probation but whose cumulative GPA is below 2.0 are sent a letter encouraging them to see a counselor.
Attendance and Course Policies
- Students are expected to attend the courses they register for. Learn more information on adding / dropping courses, as well as the HFC attendance policy.
- Students are allowed to transfer in courses completed at other colleges for which they originally received a grade of "DR" from HFC. When transferring courses from other institutions, the original HFC grade remains on the student's transcript(s).
- Financial aid can only be used once to pay for repeated courses.
Tuition Appeal
Students are allowed one appeal during their academic career at HFC. A tuition appeal will only be considered for students who have an extenuating circumstance during the semester in which they are appealing. Appeals must be submitted within 10 business days after the end of the semester. Appeals postmarked or submitted after the deadline in which an appeal is allowable will automatically be denied with no exceptions given. Only courses with the letter grade of “W” or “DR” will be considered.
Extenuating circumstances in which an appeal will be considered are illness requiring hospitalization, death of an immediate family member, and military deployment.
- A serious illness that would require the student to be hospitalized during the semester. Students are required to submit an official letter to HFC from the attending physician. This letter must be written on the physician’s official letterhead. Prescriptions are not acceptable. The letter should include the following information:
A). Diagnosis;
B). Duration of illness;
C). The dates in which the student was examined and/or treated in the hospital;
D). The dates in which the student was unable to attend classes; and
E). The date in which the student was eligible to return to HFC. - Death of an immediate family member which is considered to be the student’s parent or legal guardian, spouse, sibling or child. You are required to submit a death certificate and proof of relationship. Proof of relationship might require a student to submit a copy of his or her birth certificate, marriage certificate or the deceased's birth certificate.
- If a student has been notified of military deployment or reactivation, he or she is required to submit a copy of the official military deployment or activation paperwork. The DD214 does not show the official date the student was notified that he or she was activated.
If you are a financial aid recipient dropping classes during a semester in which you have received loans, grants or scholarships, you could be required to return the aid to the federal government. This may include all or a portion of the financial aid that was disbursed and applied to your student account. Please contact the Office of Financial Aid regarding the impact an approved tuition appeal decision could have on your financial aid. This could cause you to have a balance on your account if you received a refund.
Stop-Out Policies
Any student who has not registered for a class and earned a grade other than NA for a period of 3 years, or longer must meet with a counselor and select a current program before registering for classes.
Catalog Rights
Students at Henry Ford College may obtain a certificate or degree by completing the program requirements as outlined in the catalog under which they entered the institution or, at the student’s choice, any subsequent year subject to the restrictions below.
- Students will have a maximum of 6 years to complete the certificate or degree requirements listed in their selected catalog.
- When a student elects to change programs, the student must follow the current catalog requirements in effect at the time of the change or, at the student’s choice, any subsequent year.
- In accordance with the Stop-Out Policy, a student who has not attended Henry Ford College for three years or longer must follow the current catalog in effect during re-enrollment or, at the student’s choice, the requirements of any subsequent year.
- If the College discontinues a program a two-year completion plan will be enacted with students currently enrolled in that program.
- A division may place further time restrictions on programs provided these are clearly communicated in the catalog. A shortening of time requirements by a division on an existing program does not affect a student who entered under an earlier catalog unless the student changes programs, or, in accordance with the Stop-Out Policy, does not attend Henry Ford College for three years, or longer.
Conduct Violations
If a student is found in violation of the Student Code of Conduct, the following steps may be taken:
- Verbal Warning: The student is given a verbal warning, and a disciplinary notation is made in their file.
- Written Warning: A notice in writing to the student that they are violating or have violated institutional regulations.
- Probation: A written reprimand for violation of specified regulations. Probation is for a designated period of time and includes the probability of additional disciplinary actions if the student is found to violate any institutional regulation(s) during the probationary period.
- Loss of Privileges: Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
- Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement.
- Discretionary Sanctions: Work assignments, essays, community service, and/or related discretionary assignments.
- College Suspension: Separation of the student from the College for a defined period of time, after which the student would be eligible to return if specified conditions are met.
- College Dismissal: Separation of the student from HFC indefinitely but not necessarily permanently.
- College Expulsion: Separation of the student from HFC permanently.
- Revocation of Admission and/or Degree: Admission to or a degree awarded from the College may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violation of College standards in obtaining the degree, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior to graduation.
Drug and Alcohol Policies
Alcoholic Beverages and Illegal Drugs
As a public institution, HFC operates under the guidelines of Federal Public Act 101-226, entitled Drug Free Schools and Campuses, passed in 1990. This law states that students must be informed of the College’s rules and sanctions relative to drugs and must be informed of health risks related to the use of drugs and of counseling assistance available at HFC.
College Rules
Use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages and drugs is forbidden on the campus of HFC. Persons appearing on campus while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, and other dangerous drugs, except as expressly permitted by law, will be subject to disciplinary and/or legal action.
Possession, consumption, sale, or purchase of any controlled substance, which is illegal under state or federal law, is prohibited on the campus of HFC. We are a smoke-free campus.
College Sanctions
Disciplinary action may consist of payment of fines, verbal reprimand, restitution of damages, restriction of privileges, disciplinary probation, suspension, dismissal, and/or notation on the student’s record of dismissal or suspension.
Brochures are available in the HFC Counseling Office, located in Rm. A-117 of the Learning Resources Center (Building A on the main campus). Anyone with questions should call 313-845-9611 or 313-845-9612.
Equal Opportunity-Related Complaints
Students who have complaints of an equal opportunity nature (discrimination or harassment on the basis of age, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, creed, ancestry, disability, height, weight, national origin, religion, or marital status) shall consult the Vice President of Student Affairs, who will provide a copy of the Discrimination and Harassment Complaint Procedure and review with the student an appropriate procedure to follow.
Health and Safety Policies
Dangerous Weapons
No person, within the College environment, on property owned, leased or otherwise under the control of the College or in the conduct of College business, will be allowed to possess weapons or explosives unless specifically authorized by the Dangerous Weapons policy.
Institutional Response to Chronic Communicable Diseases and Blood-Borne Pathogens
Control of Chronic Communicable Diseases and Blood-Borne Pathogens
Student Incidents
- Missing Person Notification Process
- Learn more about the disclosure of disciplinary records in violent and non-violent incidents.
On-Campus Policies
Campus Attire
Students are expected to use good judgment, respect for others, and decency with regard to their selection of clothing to wear on campus.
Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy
HFC’s computers, peripherals, software, networks, supplies, email systems, and Internet connections (“HFC’s Systems”) are intended to carry out the legitimate operational functions of HFC and not for purposes unrelated to HFC business. Learn more about HFC’s Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy.
Parking Regulations
Students are responsible for observing all campus parking rules and regulations. Failure to adhere to these regulations may result in cars being ticketed and towed, or other disciplinary action.
Student Pregnancy and Parental Rights
Henry Ford College is committed to creating an accessible and inclusive environment for pregnant and parenting students. In addition to these principles, Henry Ford College complies with Title IX which prohibits discrimination based on sex in education programs or activities. This prohibition includes discriminating against or excluding a student from an education program or activity, extracurricular activity, athletic program, or other program or activity of the College, on the basis of the student’s pregnancy, childbirth, false pregnancy, termination of pregnancy, or recovery from any of these conditions. Pregnant students are allowed the same accommodations as students with temporary medical conditions.
A student who is pregnant is encouraged to continue to participate in classes and activities and is eligible for reasonable accommodations, including but limited to:
- Excused absences from class due to pregnancy or childbirth for as long as the student’s doctor says is necessary
- Opportunities to make up missed work for excused absences or extended deadlines
- Opportunities to make up participation or attendance credits
- Accessible seating
- Allowing frequent trips to the bathroom
- Temporary access to elevators
- Remote learning options
Breastfeeding students will be granted reasonable time and space to pump breast milk in a location that is private clean and reasonably accessible. There are three (3) Lactation Rooms available for breastfeeding or expressing/pumping breast milk. These rooms are in the following locations:
- Room K-340 in the Reuther Liberal Arts Building (Building K) on the main campus;
- Room WC-109 in the Welcome Center (Building WC) on the main campus; and
- Room N-144 in the HFC School of Nursing (Building SN) on the east campus.
With most absences for pregnancy or childbirth, you should request adjustments directly from your professor, coach, program or activity director. You should request adjustments as soon as you know you are pregnant. If you are denied pregnancy or childbirth accommodations, or your medically necessary absences are not excused by your professor, you are encouraged to speak with the Department Chair or College Dean.