21st Annual President's Collage Concert Feb. 27
The HFC Music Dept. will present the 21st Annual President’s Collage Concert on Saturday, Feb. 27, at 7 p.m. at the Michael A. Guido Theater in the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center in Dearborn. The concert will be approximately 75 minutes in length.
The President’s Collage Concert is an annual tradition that began in 1996 with the support of Dr. Andrew A. Mazzara, then-president of HFC (when it was HFCC). The HFC Music Dept. has continued the tradition of presenting this special evening, which celebrates HFC’s vibrant music program, the largest two-year ensemble program in Michigan. HFC music directors bring together the College’s many choral and instrumental ensembles for a varied and exciting performance. More than 250 performers will participate this year.
The first President’s Collage Concert was held at Edsel Ford High School (EFHS) in 1996. From 1997 to 2001, the concert was held at Orchestra Hall in Detroit. The concert moved to its current home at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center in 2002.
The following HFC musical ensembles will perform at this year’s President’s Collage Concert:
- HFC’s jazz ensembles, Studio 110 and the Henry Ford Big Band;
- Metropolitan Symphony Band;
- vocal jazz ensemble Blue Fusion;
- women’s choral ensemble Renaissance Voices; and
- two mixed choirs, HFC Chorus and Vanguard Voices.
HFC music faculty members Rick L. Goward, G. Kevin Dewey, and Randall L. Knight will conduct the musical groups. “The President’s Collage Concert is not only an enjoyable evening for our audience, but a tremendous opportunity for HFC performers to hear the other music ensembles perform, which they would not hear otherwise. It is always a pleasure working with these talented musicians,” said Goward.
Tickets cost $15 and are available at the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center box office Tuesday through Saturday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. They are also available online at www.dearborntheater.com. For discounted group rates of four tickets or more, contact Goward at rgoward@hfcc.edu. For questions or further information about ticket sales, call 313-943-2354.