Learning Lab Tutoring Program

The Learning Lab offers flexible options for tutoring.

Don’t wait. Signing up is easy!

Make a Tutoring Appointment

Peer and Professional Tutoring Services at HFC

HFC provides free tutoring for all HFC students to help you achieve your educational goals.

Tutoring is offered for various subjects at different times of the day, according to the availability of tutors. To see current schedules for all peer and professional tutors, follow the instructions for tutoring and login through TutorTrac.

Due to a high volume of requests, tutoring will be limited during the beginning of the semester and during final exam week. Sign up early!

How to Use Microsoft Teams for A Tutoring Appointment (Video)

Rules for your Learning Lab appointment

Appointment Rules

There are two ways to work with a tutor: by appointment and by drop-in. We recommend an appointment whenever possible.

  • Appointments are 25-minutes long, with a five-minute grace period to allow the tutor to prepare for the next appointment.
  • Appointments can be made with as little as a 24-hour notice.
  • You can make an appointment up to 14 days in advance.
  • You may schedule up to 3 appointments in a 7-day period. You may also drop in as often as you wish, as tutor availability allows.
  • If you cannot attend a scheduled appointment, please cancel in advance. If you cannot cancel in advance, you may lose your appointment privileges.
  • Appointments may be limited during the first few weeks of the semester, due to high demand. However, you may drop in during that time to see an available tutor.

Tutoring Rules

  • For in-person tutoring, you must check in at the front desk before receiving tutoring, even if you have an appointment. Provide your student ID, and let them know you have arrived for tutoring. You must also check out at the front desk after your tutoring session.
  • Tutors will help you with assignment clarification, understanding formulas and concepts, and grammar.
  • Tutors will not help you complete graded assignments, essays, or labs. They can help you understand your assignments and understand concepts in your courses, but they cannot ethically help you complete graded assignments.
  • You should prepare for tutoring by bringing assignments, instructions, lecture notes, questions you have for the tutor, and have a goal in mind for the tutoring session.

Professional & Faculty Tutor Schedules

Attending an online "drop-in" tutoring session is simple. Refer to the chart and steps below to learn how to attend a session. Reach out if you need assistance, we are here for you.

Note: Tutors are available for appointments. These scheduled appointments take precedence. Tutors will assist drop-in tutoring requests when their appointments have concluded.

  1. Check for subject and drop-in tutoring availability in the chart.
  2. Follow the link listed in the subject name to reach the tutor's room. (HFC login required. For the best user experience, please download the Microsoft Teams application.)
  3. Once you are in the tutor’s room:
    a. In the text box, type “@[tutor’s name]” to start a conversation with the tutor; OR
    b. Use the camera icon to start a meeting with the tutor.

HFC tutors are unavailable on campus closure dates.

Tutoring Schedule
Subject Tutor Courses Supported Location Schedule / Notes Tutor Dates
Biology Amin Dabajeh
Professional/Faculty Tutor
BIO-130, 131, 134, 233, & 234

F: 8a–12p & 12:30p–2:30p


Jan 24: 12:30p–4:30p

Jan 31: 1:30p–4:30p


Feb 7

Feb 14

Apr 18

Mar 14

Biology Carla Serfas
Professional/Faculty Tutor
BIO-134, 233, & 234

M: 10a–12p


Jan 20th

Mar 10th

Biology Louis Lotvola
Professional/Faculty Tutor
BIO-130, 131, 134, 138, 143, 150, 152, 233, 234, 251, 270

F: 10a–1p


Mar 7th

Mar 14th

Biology Maris Polanco
Professional/Faculty Tutor
BIO-131, 134, 233, 234

M/W: 5p–6:30p


Jan 20th

Mar 10th & 12th

Chemistry Mahin Baghdadchi
Professional/Faculty Tutor
CHEM-111, 131, & 141

T/TH: 9a–12p & 1p–5p

F: 1p–5p


Mar 11th, 13th, & 14th

Computer Information Systems John Klavanian
Professional/Faculty Tutor
CIS-122, 125, 126, & 222


English / Writing Writing Center
Professional/Faculty Tutor
ENG-131, 132, & any HFC course with a writing assignment

See Writing Center Website

Math Danielle Mulka
Professional/Faculty Tutor

M 1:30p-6:30p

T 1:30p-4:30p

W 12:30p-3:30p

Th 1:30p-4:30p

F 8a-11a

Unavailable: Feb 18th From 1:30p-2:30p Mar 10-14

MATH Jack Edelen
Professional/Faculty Tutor
Math 110-115

M-W: 8am-10am, 10:30am-12:30pm, 1pm-4:30pm


Tuesday, February 11th from 8-11:30 Feb 18th From 1:30pm-2:30pm

Mar 10-12

Math Linda Matton
Professional/Faculty Tutor
MATH-110, 115, 131, 141, 165, 175, 180, 183, & 283

T: 8a–12p & 12:30p–3p

W: 8a–12p & 12:30p–3p

Th: 8a–12p & 12:30p–3p


Jan 16th after 1pm.

Feb 18th from 1:30-2:30

Mar 11th, 12th & 13th

Math Nahla Haidar
Professional/Faculty Tutor
MATH courses up to MATH-280 (excluding MATH-131 & MATH-141)

T/Thu: 12:00 -1:00


Mar 11th & 13th

Math Rana Shammas
Professional/Faculty Tutor
MATH-100, 101, 104, 110, 112, 115, 122, 131, 141, 165, 175, 180, & 183

M, T, W, & Th: 8a–12p & 1p–2:30p


Jan 20th

Feb 18th From 1:30 -2:30pm

Mar 10th–13th


Peer Tutor Schedules

Peer Tutors are available for face-to-face sessions in the Learning Lab. Attending an in-person "drop-in" tutoring session is simple. Refer to the chart and steps below to learn how to attend a session. Reach out if you need assistance, we are here for you.

Note: Peer Tutors are available for appointments. These scheduled appointments take precedence. Tutors will assist drop-in tutoring requests when their appointments have concluded.

  1. Check for subject and tutoring availability in the chart.
  2. For in-person tutoring, you must check in at the front desk before receiving tutoring, even if you have an appointment. Provide your student ID and let the front desk staff know you have arrived for tutoring. You must also check out at the front desk after your tutoring session.
  3. To schedule an appointment, go to the TutorTrac website. For complete information on scheduling an appointment, please refer to the section on this website “Make a tutoring appointment with HFC tutors”.

HFC tutors are unavailable on campus closure dates.

Tutoring Schedule
Subject Tutor Courses Supported Location Schedule / Notes Tutor Dates
Biology Makenna Conlisk
Peer Tutor
BIO-131, 150, & 152

M: 9a–12p

T/TH: 11a–2p


Jan 20th, Jan 28

Mar 10th, 11th, & 13th

Biology Shahd Mando
Peer Tutor
BIO-233 & 234

TH: 9:30a–10:30a


Mar 13th

MATH Akil Akil
Peer Tutor

M, W, & F: 8a–10a


Mar 10th, 12th & 14th

Math Atupele Winga
Peer Tutor

Th: 11:30am-2:00pm


Mar 11th & 13th

MATH Nayellie Lopez
Peer Tutor
MATH 110

Available Thursday: 12:30pm- 2:00pm



Make a tutoring appointment with HFC tutors

  • Henry Ford College provides tutoring through the HFC Learning Lab and Tutoring Services. To learn more about tutoring available through our department, please review our F.A.Q. Follow the steps to schedule an appointment with one of our tutors today.

How to Use TutorTrac (Video)   Make a tutoring appointment

Log in to TutorTrac

  1. Go to the TutorTrac website
  2. Use your HFC username and password to login.

To search available tutoring times

  1. Select "Search Availability..." on the left side.
  2. You will see the following:
    • Center: Choose the area in which you need tutoring.
    • Consultants: (Optional) Choose the tutor you want, if you have one in mind.
    • Section: Ignore this field.
    • Reason: Ignore this field.
    • Location: Ignore this field.
    • From:/To: Choose the date range for appointments that will work for you.
    • Time: (Optional) Choose the time range for the appointments that will work for you.
    • Days: (Optional) Choose the days that will work for you. Note: You can also select 'All', 'None', or 'M-F'
  3. Once you're finished, select "Search"

Making an appointment

  1. After you select "Search", the available date, the tutor, and the time the tutor is available will appear.
    • The time is in green.
  2. Select the time you'd like, and a new window will pop up.
  3. On that window, you will see the following:
    • Center: This is the area of study you selected.
    • Location: This the location of the tutoring. (The default is Learning Lab.)
    • Subject: This is a list of all the courses you're currently taking. Choose the one in which you need help.
    • Date: This is the date of the appointment.
    • Time: This is the time of the appointment.
    • Notes: (Optional) Additional notes you'd like your tutor to know.
  4. Once you're finished, select 'Save.'

How can I view my appointment?

  1. Select "Main Menu" on the right side.
  2. On the right screen, a list of all your appointments will appear.
    • If selected, a window will open with all of the appointment information.
    • On this window, you will be able to upload a document for your tutor to see.

How can I cancel an appointment?

  1. Select the "x" at the end of the appointment. This will bring up the "Appointment Cancelation" window.
    • Note: You can add a reason to let your tutor know why you're canceling.
  2. To keep the appointment, select "Keep Appointment."
    • To confirm that you wish to cancel, select "Confirm Cancelation."

Meet with online external tutors (NetTutor), available 24/7/365

The HFC Learning Lab and Tutoring Services provides online tutoring through a partnership with Link-Systems International, Inc., the owner of NetTutor. This service is provided at no cost to HFC students.

HFC has established that all students can receive up to 30 hours of tutoring for the semester. Please keep track of your hours to receive help from NetTutor throughout the semester and not end up spending all the hours too quickly.

If you have reached your maximum limit of 30 hours of NetTutor usage for the semester and would like to request additional time, please email the Liberal Arts Department at lainfo@hfcc.edu. Also, if you need additional assistance regarding tutoring, please review our options on this page.

Login to NetTutor through HFC Online

(Note: The schedules inside the NetTutor application have the most current information.)

NetTutor offers students 24/7/365 access to ESL, English / writing, and mathematics support, among other academic subjects.

NetTutor sessions are conducted using text chat. Tutors can also share figures, images, and documents using the whiteboard drawing canvas. If you prefer to speak with your tutor, or use video, please follow the video / text instructions contained in the section below.

To view videos demonstrating how NetTutor works, please visit the NetTutor YouTube Playlist.

Note: For the best experience, please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Microsoft Edge when accessing NetTutor.

Scheduling an appointment with audio and video features (video and text transcript)

Follow the steps in this video to schedule a NetTutor appointment, and set up audio / video features. If you require a text transcript, we have included one in the following section.

For more detailed instructions, please access the instructions provided by NetTutor.

How to schedule an appointment and set up audio and video - Transcript

How to Schedule an Appointment and Set Up Audio and Video-Transcript

Length: 00:03:11

[Upbeat music]

Open on the black, green, and white NetTutor logo.

Transition to a green screen with white text.

Onscreen text reads: “Scheduling an appointment with a tutor”.

Transition to a cropped computer screen view against a green and black background decorated with the Henry Ford College and NetTutor logos.

Computer screen shows “Please Select a Group to Receive Tutoring in That Area” and an alphabetized list of available groups.

Onscreen text reads: “Scroll to your desired subject”, and the screen shows scrolling down to the link for Sociology.

Onscreen text reads: “Click to enter the group”.

Computer screens shows the student dashboard for Sociology, with the link for “Schedule an Appointment” on the right-hand side part way down.

Onscreen text reads: “Select ‘Schedule an Appointment’” Cursor on screen selects the link.

Computer screen shows a monthly calendar tool, with a bar on the right side for setting up reminders.

Onscreen text reads: “Set up appointment reminders”. The bar also has buttons for “Close” and for “Don’t show me this again”.

Computer screen shows the Reminders page with available test and email options.

Onscreen text reads: “Choose text, email or both”.

Computer screen returns to the monthly calendar tool Onscreen text reads: “View all available appointments”.

Computer screen shows a drop-down list for all Sociology appointments available for September 29th, 2021.

Onscreen text reads: “Pick your 30 minute session”.

Computer screen shows a pop-up window with the selected appointment date and time Onscreen text reads: “Select ‘Schedule Appointment’”.

Computer screen shows an appointment confirmation page with status approved Onscreen text reads: “Done!”

Transition to a black screen with green and white text Onscreen text reads: “Pro Tips”

Transition to an example email reminder for a 4:00PM appointment on 9/29/2021.

Onscreen text reads: “Flag your reminder email so you don’t miss a session”.

Transition to a screenshot of a student’s Sociology dashboard minutes before their scheduled session.

Onscreen text reads: “Find your unique access to the scheduled session at the top of your dashboard”.


Transition to a green screen with white text.

Onscreen text reads: “Activating audio and video in a live session”.

Transition to a cropped computer screen view against a green and black background decorated with the Henry Ford College and NetTutor logos.

Computer screens shows the student dashboard for Sociology

Onscreen text reads: “Meet with a live tutor”. Onscreen the mouse selects the link on the upper left for “Drop in and Meet with a Live Tutor”.

Computer screens shows the student wait page. The wait page has study tips and other information about communicating with a tutor.

Onscreen text reads “The tutor will open the session”.

Computer screen shows the lobby chat area where both tutor and student exchange greetings. Onscreen text reads: “Ask the tutor to enable audio and video”.

Computer screen shows the student request within the chat area.

Onscreen text reads: “Take this time to disable pop-up blockers”.

Computer screen shows the tutor accepting the request and initiating audio and video access.

A new button for “Join Video Chat” appears to the bottom of the lobby chat area.

Onscreen text reads: “Select ‘Join Video Chat’”.

Computer screens shows a set up page for audio and video Onscreen text reads: “Test your microphone and camera” Computer screen shows testing checks. Both test buttons are on the right side, and the Join Conference button is on the left under the camera and microphone information.

Onscreen text reads: “Select ‘Join Conference’”.

Computer screen shows the conference loading Onscreen text reads: “Video conference will load”.

Computer screen shows the student entering the session with camera and microphone on Onscreen text reads: “Done!”


Transition to a black screen with white text Onscreen text reads: “Thanks for watching!”

Cut back to the green, black, and white NetTutor logo.

New text appears within the logo.

Onscreen text reads: “NetTutor- Connect. Engage. Learn.”

Fade to a black screen with white text.

Onscreen text reads: “Special thanks to Free Music for ‘Another Happy Day’. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE_37FUkBJo

Transition to a black screen with the Henry Ford College and NetTutor logos [Music fades].


Would you like to be a tutor? Paid and volunteer opportunities

Paid student positions

The Learning Lab hires qualified Henry Ford College students to be peer tutors and student clerks.

To be considered for a paid position as a peer tutor or student clerk, please visit the HFC Career Services website to view open positions and additional information.

Volunteer student positions

If you are looking to fulfill volunteer/service hours as a peer tutor, please contact learnlab@hfcc.edu for more information.

Professional tutors

The Learning Lab hires individuals with appropriate qualifications and experience for paid positions as professional tutors. Current positions are posted on the HFC Career Opportunities webpage.

Faculty tutors

Full-time HFC faculty seeking to tutor in the Learning Lab should first discuss this with their Associate Dean/Department Chair/Program Coordinator, and email the Liberal Arts Department at lainfo@hfcc.edu following this discussion.

Faculty recommendation form

Please use the Faculty Recommendation Form for Student Tutor/Clerk Positions (HFC Portal login required) to submit recommendations for students applying for peer tutor and student clerk positions.