Every organization depends on the efforts of groups of individuals to get things done. Any time you have two or more people working together to achieve a common goal, you need somebody to manage the process. That somebody could be you!
Interested in this program?
Why should I choose this program?
Successful managers are leaders who motivate and guide people to efficiently and effectively use organizational resources (people, money, raw materials, and equipment) to guide their organizations to become the best that they can be. Being the “best” can mean being the most profitable, ethical, humane, environmentally aware, or socially responsible – whatever is the most important to the organization's stakeholders.
Management is needed in all organizations. This includes businesses, non-profit organizations, governmental units, hospitals, schools/colleges, clubs, et al. If you like the challenge of being in charge and the idea of helping organizations and the individuals who work for them reach their goals, management may just be the career for you!
At HFC, you can pursue an Associate Degree in Business Management. The program offers you a beginning foundation of skills and knowledge needed to be a successful manager, as well as to transfer to a four-year college or university.
What skills will I learn and improve?

- Working with others and interpersonal skills
- Active listening
- Coordination, problem solving, and critical thinking
- Customer and personal service
What are my career opportunities?

Median earnings for Administrative Service Managers that may require a bachelor's degree.
- Business Administrator
- Administrative Services Manager
- Operations Director
- Office Manager
- Business Manager
Some positions may require a bachelor's degree.
More career opportunities in this field can be found through the U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Program features and benefits

- Transfer Easily: HFC has a 3+1 articulation agreement with Eastern Michigan University (EMU).
Lists the faculty associated with this program and their contact information.