Clery Act

Clery geographical map and patrol jurisdiction.

The Clery Act requires institutions to disclose campus crime statistics and security related information.

  1. Reporting of Criminal Activity or Emergencies
  2. Crime Statistics
  3. Crime Definitions
  4. Police Liaison and Security Authority
  5. Access to Campus Facilities
  6. Crime Prevention & Security Awareness Program

1. Reporting of Criminal Activity and Emergencies. The Office of Campus Safety (OCS) is responsible for safety, security and emergency response at HFC. The OCS is open 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and is located in the lobby of the Learning Technology Center. To report a crime or emergency call 313-845-9630 or EXT. 9630 from a campus phone.

2. Crime Statistics. OCS is required to keep and provide crime statistics relative to six major categories of crimes. These crimes are; Murder, Arson, Sexual Assault, Burglary, Auto Theft and Aggravated Assault. In addition, statistics relative to drug, alcohol, weapons possession and hate crimes are also required.

3. Crime Definitions

4. Police Liaison and Security Authority. OCS maintains a solid working relationship with local, state, and law enforcement agencies. OCS personnel have no police authority.

5. Access to Campus Facilities. Access to buildings is controlled by electronic and mechanical access control devices. Electronic alarm systems, uniformed security officers, mobile and foot patrol, electronic and physical surveillance systems and 24 hour dispatch communication and response.

6. Crime Prevention and Security Awareness Programs. Students and employees are made aware of campus crime and crime prevention through the following means:

  • Annual Security Report
  • Distribution of Crime Prevention/Security Awareness Materials
  • College Newspapers/Articles
  • Regularly Scheduled Lectures and Presentations
  • Safe Walk Program
  • Timely Warnings
  • Emergency Notifications