August 17 is Super Saturday! Join us on campus for all your enrollment needs

Let us help you prepare for Fall 2024 classes!
Fall classes start August 22! You can enroll any time to start classes this fall at HFC. And, if you need help:
Join us for our full-service Super Saturday on August 17, 2024. You will get personalized assistance from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the HFC Welcome Center.
Please be sure to enter campus through SME Drive!
(See info and map), as this is the only way to get to the Welcome Center while our regular parking lot is under construction.
Admissions -- Get help with applying and being admitted to HFC
Have questions about being admitted or getting started at HFC? Join us at the Welcome Center, where HFC staff will be ready to answer your questions about admissions, financial aid, registration, and advising.
If you can't attend this event, call 313-845-9600 or email
Advising -- Find out which classes you should take
HFC Academic Advisors will be on site to answer your questions. NOTE: The advisors will not be able to provide detailed, personalized advising appointments on this day. We will, however, answer any questions and help you get set up to register for your Fall classes.
Questions? Call 313-845-9600 or email
Registration -- Register for classes
Have questions about registering for your HFC classes? We will be here to help you.
If you cannot attend this event, call 313-845-9600 or email
Financial Aid -- Find out how to afford college
Have questions about financial aid as a way to help you pay for classes at HFC? We can help!
If you cannot attend this event or you need to know what documents you should bring for the fullest Financial Aid help, call 313-845-9600 or email
Cashier -- Find out how to pay your bill so you will stay registered
How to get Cashier’s help:
Contact Student Accounts at 313-845-9600 or, or visit us in person at the Welcome Center.
If we are working with another student, leave a message and we will get back to you.
Orientation for new students -- Prepare to succeed in your classes
How to get Orientation help: Complete your Student Orientation online (requires login).
If you need additional assistance, email
Course Placement -- Find out what level of classes you are qualified to take
How to get Course Placement help: Email for help with your course placement.
International Student Services -- Prepare to attend HFC on an F-1 student visa
How to get help if you are an International Student: Make an appointment with International Student Services or call 313-845-9600, or email
We are here for you!
If you need help getting started for Fall 2024 semester, mark your calendar now to connect with us during Super Saturday.
If you do not see what you need, or are not sure what you need:
1. Call an Enrollment Associate: 313-845-9600
2. Email an Enrollment Associate at and someone will get back to you.
Fall classes begin August 22.
Don't wait! Contact us today to get started.
We look forward to helping you achieve your education and life goals!