HFC Employee Handbook

This handbook, provided by Human Resources, describes policies, practices, and benefits for employees at Henry Ford College.

About this Handbook

Updated 2024 by HFC Human Resources

The contents of this Employee Handbook are guidelines only and supersede any prior Handbook. Neither this Handbook nor any other College guidelines, policies, or practices create an employment contract. The College has the exclusive right, with or without notice, in an individual case or generally, to change any of its guidelines, policies, practices, working conditions, or benefits at any time.

No one is authorized to provide any employee with an employment contract or special arrangement concerning terms or conditions of employment unless the contract or arrangement is in writing and signed by the College President or designee, the Board of Trustees, Office of Human Resources, and the employee. Unless otherwise specified by applicable Collective Bargaining Agreements, employment with the College is at-will and may be terminated at any time with or without cause or notice by the employee or the College.

This handbook applies to all employees regardless of date of hire.

Table of Contents

A list of the contents of this document, in the order you will find them on this webpage:


General Policies and Guidelines

  • Application of the Handbook

  • Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy

  • Immigration Law Compliance

  • Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities

  • Religious Observance

  • Policy Against Harassment and Retaliation

  • Title IX Policy Statement

  • Confidential and Proprietary Information/Non-Disclosure

Status of Employment and Compensation

  • Employment Status

  • Bargaining Unit Affiliation

  • Overtime

  • Paychecks

  • Improper Pay Deductions

Hours and Attendance

  • Work Hours

  • Attendance/Tardiness

  • Inclement Weather

  • Time Reporting Policy


  • Vacation/Sick/Personal Days and Paid Time Off

  • Holidays

  • Jury Duty

  • Bereavement Leave

  • Military Leave

  • Medical and Family Leave

  • Other Personal Leaves of Absence


  • General

  • Benefits Offered

  • Workers’ Compensation

Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

Violence in the Workplace

Standards of Conduct and Civility

Conflicts of Interest

Electronic Devices and Communications Policy

Freedom of Information Act

Whistleblowers’ Protection Policy

Accidents and Emergencies

Driving on College Business

Internal Investigations and Searches

Minors on Campus and Mandated Reporter

Personal Belongings

Dress and Grooming Standards

Smoke Free Campus

Solicitations and Distributions

Messages and Bulletin Boards

Background Checks

Record Keeping Policy

  • Documents and Records

  • Personnel Records

Performance Reviews / Evaluations

Employment Guidelines

Employment Verifications and References

Job-Related Expenses

Leaving the College

  • Voluntary Termination / Resignation

  • Involuntary Termination


This Handbook is intended as a general reference guide to the policies, practices and benefits associated with your employment at Henry Ford College (“HFC” or “College”). This Handbook supersedes any and all prior policies, practices and benefits of the College, oral or written, and rescinds prior policies, practices and benefits, handbooks, or general College rules previously in effect.

All statements, policies, practices, and benefits are subject to unilateral change, in whole or in part, by the College at any time, unless specifically provided in a Collective Bargaining Agreement or other written agreement. The College retains the right to alter, modify, amend, suspend, interpret, and cancel, in whole or in part, any of the published or unpublished policies, practices and benefits without advance notice, at its sole discretion to those areas not specifically provided in a Collective Bargaining Agreement or other written employment agreement.

The employment relationship is terminable at the will of either the employee or the College with or without notice, and with or without cause, except where governed by a specific Collective Bargaining Agreement. At will means that just as any employee may terminate their employment with the College at any time, for any or no reason, so may the College terminate an employee’s employment at any time, for any or no reason. Nothing in this handbook is intended to conflict with the current contractual agreements between the College and the applicable Collective Bargaining units. Where there is a conflict between the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement and this Handbook, the provisions of the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement for participating employees shall prevail.

No person other than the College president and/or the Henry Ford College Board of Trustees have the authority to enter into any agreement for a specified term of employment or to alter the at-will nature of the employment relationship. Only a written agreement signed by both you and the College president can modify this at-will employment relationship.

General Policies and Guidelines

Application of the Handbook

This Handbook is intended to apply to all employees of the College from entry level employees up to and including executive level employees, unless otherwise specifically provided in a Collective Bargaining Agreement or other written agreement.

Equal Employment Opportunity and Nondiscrimination Policy

The College is an equal opportunity employer and prohibits discrimination based upon age, race, color, religion, marital status, sex/gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender transitioning, height, weight, national origin, disability, perceived disability, political affiliation, familial status, veteran status, genetics, or any other characteristics protected by state, federal, or local law. Each supervisor, manager, and board member is responsible for understanding, communicating, and strictly enforcing this policy. More details of this policy can be found in the College policy: Equal Educational and Employment Opportunities and Non-Discrimination

Immigration Law Compliance

Consistent with federal and state law, it is the College’s policy to hire and employ only those employees who are authorized to work in the United States. All new employees must complete the “Employment Verification Form I-9” and present documentation establishing identity and employment eligibility. This is a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services requirement. An employee who fails to present the required documents within three (3) business days of their start date will be terminated. It is always the employee’s responsibility to keep their residency status and work permit status up to date.

Reasonable Accommodations for Disabilities

In accordance with applicable federal and state laws protecting qualified individuals with known disabilities, the College will attempt to reasonably accommodate those qualified applicants/employees unless doing so would create an undue hardship on the College. Any qualified applicant or employee with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to perform the essential functions of the job should contact Human Resources. More details can be found in the following College policies: Equal Educational and Employment Opportunities and Non-Discrimination,
Support and Accessibility for the Disabled of Campus Programs and Facilities,
Service Animals,
Electronic Information and Technology Accessibility

Religious Observance

The College respects employees’ freedom of religion and religious differences and will under appropriate circumstances make reasonable accommodations in accordance with applicable laws for sincerely held religious beliefs, including but not limited to, providing time off for observation of official holidays or providing exceptions to dress and grooming standards, unless doing so would cause an undue hardship on the College’s operations. An employee who desires a religious accommodation must contact the Office of Human Resources. The College prohibits retaliation against any employee who requests a reasonable accommodation under this policy.

Policy against Harassment and Retaliation

The College strictly prohibits all forms of harassment. It is against the policies of the College for any student or employee to encourage actions which harass another employee, student, vendor, independent contractor, or contract employee based on their age, race, color, religion, marital status, sex/gender, pregnancy, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, gender transitioning, height, weight, national origin, disability, perceived disability, political affiliation, familial status, veteran status, genetics or any other characteristics protected by state, federal or local law. More details can be found in the following College policy: Sexual Misconduct Policy/Title IX.

The College strives to provide an environment in which all employees may make good faith reports of suspected incidents of any misconduct, harassment, discrimination, bullying or other prohibited conduct without fear of reprisal or retaliation. The College encourages timely disclosure of concerns regarding inappropriate behavior, including any suspected retaliation and good faith reports of suspected violations of the law, to enable the College to respond timely and to institute remedial measures if needed. More details can be found in the College’s Non-Retaliation policy. With very few exceptions, College employees are mandatory reporters of any observed or reported sexual misconduct, harassment, retaliation, etc.

Title IX Policy Statement

Henry Ford College adheres to all federal, state, and local civil rights laws prohibiting discrimination in employment and education. HFC does not discriminate in its admissions practices [except as permitted by law], in its employment practices, or in its educational programs or activities on the basis of sex/gender. As a recipient of federal financial assistance for education activities, HFC is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 to ensure that all its education programs and activities do not discriminate on the basis of sex/gender. Sex includes [sex, sex stereotypes, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and pregnancy or parenting status]. HFC also prohibits retaliation against any person opposing discrimination or participating in any discrimination investigation or complaint process internal or external to the institution. Sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating and domestic violence, and stalking are forms of sex discrimination prohibited under Title IX and by HFC Sexual Misconduct/Title IX policy. Any member of the campus community, guest, or visitor who acts to deny, deprive, or limit the educational, employment, residential, or social access, opportunities and/or benefits of any member of the college community on the basis of sex is in violation of the Sexual Misconduct/Title IX policy. Any person may report sex discrimination or retaliation (whether or not the person reporting is the person alleged to have experienced the conduct) using any of the following options: I. File a report or Formal Complaint with, or give verbal notice to, the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator. Such a report or Formal Complaint may be made at any time (including during non-business hours) by using the telephone number, email address, or by mail to the office listed for the Title IX Coordinator or any other official listed.

Title IX Coordinator

Munira Kassim
Assistant Director of Student Conduct and Compliance
Student Affairs Department
Building N, Room N223
(313) 845-6301

Deputy Title IX Coordinator – Employees

Mark Tade
Assistant Director of Employee and Labor Relations
Human Resources Department
Welcome Center, W-319
(313) 845-9851

II. Report online using the Maxient reporting form posted here. Maxient reports are reviewed during normal business hours and are not monitored after hours, on weekends, or during official college holidays.

Anonymous reports are accepted but can give rise to a need to investigate to determine if the parties can be identified. If not, no further formal action is taken, though measures intended to protect the community may be enacted. HFC tries to provide supportive measures to all Complainants, which may be impossible with an anonymous report that does not identify the Complainant.

Because reporting carries no obligation to initiate a formal response, and because the College respects the Complainant's requests to dismiss complaints unless there is a compelling threat to health and/or safety, the Complainant is largely in control and should not fear a loss of confidentiality by making a report that allows the College to discuss and/or provide supportive measures.

III. File an incident report with the Campus Safety Office.
For Emergency that involves an imminent risk of harm to self or others, please contact local police, campus security, or by dialing 911.
On-campus phone: call 9911 or 24/7 Campus Safety Dispatch: 313-845-9630
Main Office: 313-845-9862
24/7 Dispatch: 313-845-9630
Building: N
Email: campussafety@hfcc.edu
Office Hours: Monday-Friday: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
East Campus Office: 313-317-1787

IV. Inquiries may be made externally to: Office for Civil Rights (OCR)
U.S. Department of Education
400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-1100
Customer Service Hotline #: (800) 421-3481
Facsimile: (202) 453-6012
TDD#: (877) 521-2172
Email: OCR@ed.gov
Web: http://www.ed.gov/ocr

For complaints involving employee-on-employee conduct: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) or Detroit Field Office | U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission(eeoc.gov).

Questions regarding Title IX, including its application and/or concerns about noncompliance, should be directed to the Title IX Coordinator. Please visit Sexual Misconduct Policy/ Title IX | HFC Policies or contact the Title IX Coordinator for a complete policy copy or more information. Individuals who believe they have experienced sex discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation in violation of HFC's Sexual Misconduct/Title IX policy should contact the Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator (employees listed above).

Confidential and Proprietary Information / Non-Disclosure

Definition of Confidential Information

Henry Ford College personnel provide essential and valuable services to faculty, students, and staff. While engaging in these functions, employees collect or may have access to personal and privileged information concerning individuals associated with the College. This requires a commitment of confidentiality to protect privacy. Unless there is a proper and appropriate request, including a request from the affected individual, unauthorized disclosure or access of this information could create legal liability and loss of public confidence in the College.

Confidential information includes:

  • Any information from employee records, student records, personnel records, medical or leave of absence records, or other types of files or documents, including, but not limited to, social security numbers, driver’s license number, HANK ID’s, in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA),
    the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA),
    the Privacy Act of 1974.

  • The contents of discussions and conversations by College personnel concerning privileged, personal, or confidential cases.

  • Any personal information stored in College computers, including passwords.

  • Benefits information, including the identity of dependents, or other personally identifiable information, including account numbers and payroll information.

More details can be found in the College’s Privacy and Access to Student Records Under FERPA policy and the College’s Registration and Records webpage.


Employees shall at all times maintain in confidence all confidential information and not disclose or use, except in the course of the College’s business and for its benefit, nor shall an employee use any confidential information for their own use or for anyone else’s use other than as directed by the College. All confidential files and information must be secure and not accessible by any unauthorized person(s). It is every employee’s responsibility to protect the data of the College on whatever device is used to access that data. If a personal device (computer, laptop, tablet, cell phone, etc.) used to store or access College data is lost or stolen, the employee is expected to immediately contact the Director of Network and IT Infrastructure to minimize potential damage. Protecting the College data stored on a personal device is the responsibility of the employee, and the college may hold an individual financially liable for any and all damages resulting from the exposure of that data. Confidential information should not be left unattended at any time. Employees authorized to access and use such information must secure it before leaving their desk or computer. Upon termination of employment, employees shall return to the College all Confidential Information, and copies of Confidential Information, which they may have or control, regardless of the form of such Confidential Information.

Social Security Number Privacy

The College maintains social security numbers (“SSN”) of employees and other individuals as confidential information. Employees may not knowingly obtain, use, or disclose the SSN of any other employee or individual unless in accordance with this policy.

Records containing SSNs must be kept in a secure environment, such as a locked desk or file cabinet, or a password-protected computer. Only authorized personnel may access records containing SSNs for legitimate business purposes. SSNs shall not be unlawfully disclosed.

All documents and records containing SSNs will be destroyed through shredding or other appropriate means before disposal.

Any employee who obtains, uses, or discloses an SSN for unauthorized purposes or contrary to this policy will be subject to discipline, up to and including termination. In addition, the College will cooperate with government investigations of any person alleged to have obtained, used, or disclosed an SSN for unlawful purposes.

European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)

Henry Ford College (HFC) is committed to safeguarding the privacy of personal data of present and future faculty, staff, and students. Faculty, staff, and students who apply, or may apply to HFC, and who reside or are located in a European Union country, and for whom the European Union General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) apply, will be given the opportunity to discuss with the College collection and use of their personal data. If you have a question regarding this personal data issue, please contact Human Resources.

Discipline Related to Misuse of Confidential Information

The College provides employees access to confidential information only if such confidential information is necessary for the employee to perform their employment duties. The unauthorized use, review, copying or release of information the College has determined is confidential information will result in disciplinary action up to and including immediate termination of employment in accordance with any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. Any disclosure of social security numbers and/or personally identifiable data without written authorization is prohibited, unless required by law, regulations, or a lawfully issued subpoena.

Employee’s Right to Discuss Certain Information

Nothing in this policy should be read to prevent employees from discussing wages, hours, and terms and conditions of employment with each other or third parties seeking to represent employees, such as with their bargaining units.

In addition, 18 U.S.C. § 1833(b)(1): “An individual shall not be held criminally or civilly liable under any federal or state trade secret law for the disclosure of a trade secret that—(A) is made—(i) in confidence to a federal, state, or local government official, either directly or indirectly, or to an attorney; and (ii) solely for the purpose of reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law; or (B) is made in a complaint or other document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, if such filing is made under seal.”

Employees are able to disclose in confidence certain trade secrets to federal, state, and local government officials, or to an attorney, if the sole purpose of the disclosure is reporting or investigating a suspected violation of law by the employer. These types of disclosures are commonly referred to as whistleblower complaints. Employees also have the right to disclose trade secrets in a document filed in a lawsuit or other proceeding, but only if the filing is made under seal and protected from public disclosure. Nothing in this policy is intended to conflict with 18 U.S.C. § 1833(b)(1) or create liability for disclosures of trade secrets that are expressly allowed by 18 U.S.C. § 1833(b)(1). More information and direction on this topic can be found in the College policy: Whistleblowers’ Protection Policy.

Status of Employment and Compensation

Employment Status

The College designates employees as full-time, part-time, or temporary. The College will advise employees of their designation at the time of hire and upon any subsequent change in job title that affects that status.

Full-Time Employee. A full-time employee is defined as an employee who is hired for a continuous and indefinite period and who works on average 40 hours per week. The College provides benefits to full-time employees who are eligible for College benefits pursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable benefit plan, program, or policy.

Part-Time Employee. A part-time employee is traditionally defined as an employee who is hired for a continuous and indefinite period and works on average less than 20 or 25 hours per week unless specified in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. A part-time employee is not eligible for College benefits except on a discretionary basis pursuant to the terms and conditions of the applicable benefit plan, program, contract, or policy.

Temporary Employee. A temporary employee is defined as an employee who is hired either as temporary placement for a full-time or part-time employee, or for short periods, such as summer months, peak periods, projects, and vacation coverage. Temporary employees are not eligible for employment benefits provided by the College, unless they consistently work more than 20 hours per week, or otherwise required under a Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Student Minors. A student minor is defined as an HFC student in good standing, who is under the age of eighteen (18) and has not matriculated high school. Student minors will be considered for employment at the discretion of the Office of Human Resources. The determination whether to offer employment to a student minor will be based on the hiring department’s ability to provide adequate supervision of the student worker.

Bargaining Unit Affiliation

College employees may be represented by one of five collective bargaining units.


  • Local 1650 – American Federation of Teachers

The Henry Ford Community College Federation of Teachers, Local 1650, represents full-time Faculty, Counselors, Librarians, Career Services Officers, Learning Lab Coordinators, Student Outreach and Support Services Director, Special Needs Program Advisors, Student Newspaper/Student Activities Officer, the Athletic Director, and the Cooperative Education Specialist at the College.

  • Adjunct Faculty Organization (AFO)

The Henry Ford College Adjunct Faculty Organization represents part-time instructional staff teaching credit courses, Counselors, Librarians, and Placement/Co-op Officers at the College.


  • Local 71 – Administrators’ Association

The Henry Ford College Administrators’ Association, Local 71, represents employees at the College who serve as administrators, supervisors, and managers. The Association does not represent administrators who report directly to the President of the College, as these positions are Exempt, non-bargaining unit.

  • Support Staff Association (SSA)

The Henry Ford College Support Staff Association (SSA) represents employees at the College who serve in administrative and technical support, food service, and facilities and operations positions.

  • Dearborn Schools Operating Engineers Association (DSOEA)

The Dearborn Schools Operating Engineers Association represents engineers at the College, as well as engineers who work for the Dearborn Public Schools.

In addition to the collective bargaining affiliations listed here, some College employees are considered non-bargained for and classified as Exempt, non-bargaining unit. Exempt, non-bargaining unit positions include administrators who report directly to the President of the College, Human Resources employees, and academic deans.


The College is committed to compliance with applicable laws regarding the payment of overtime. Each employee is designated as either a salaried or an hourly employee.

Salaried Status

A salaried employee is defined as an employee who is not subject to the minimum wage and overtime requirements of applicable state and federal laws. Salaried employees are expected to work the number of hours necessary to complete their responsibilities, assignments, and objectives and this means that salaried employees may, at times, work more than the standard 40-hour work week with no entitlement to overtime. Salaried employees include those affiliated with the following units:

  • Henry Ford Community College Federation of Teachers, Local 1650
  • Henry Ford College Administrators’ Association, Local 71
  • Exempt, non-bargaining unit employees

Hourly Status

An hourly employee is defined as an employee who is paid based on the hours worked and is entitled to overtime compensation for all hours worked in excess of 40 hours in any work week, at the overtime rate set forth in the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. Hourly employees are not permitted to work more than 40 hours in any work week without the specific advance written permission of a supervisor. A supervisor must approve in writing all overtime prior to it being worked. Employees are required to work overtime if requested or directed to do so by their supervisor. Hourly employees who work more than 40 hours in any work week without the written permission of their supervisor are in violation of the College work rules and the College may discipline the employee, up to and including termination, in accordance with applicable College policies and the provisions of any applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. Hourly employees include those affiliated with the following units:

  • Henry Ford College Support Staff Association (SSA)
  • Dearborn Schools Operating Engineers Association (DSOEA)
  • Part-time, non-bargaining unit employees


Time of Payment

Paychecks are distributed to employees based on the employee’s payroll status. Depending on payroll status, the College pays employees biweekly (hourly employees) or monthly (salaried employees). Employees are responsible for examining their paycheck each payday for accuracy. If an employee has a concern with the accuracy of their paycheck, they should contact the Payroll Department at payroll@hfcc.edu.


HFC maintains a paperless payroll. Paychecks are distributed via direct deposit or via a bank pay card. Employees have the option to select direct deposit or pay card upon hire.


The College will withhold appropriate payroll deductions from paychecks as follows:

Compulsory Deductions. Deductions are made for various state and federal income taxes, and Social Security/Medicare, as well as garnishments. Government guidelines, the W-4 form, which an employee completes upon employment or when changes occur, and court orders, determine the amounts withheld for income taxes.

Deductions for Employee-Elected Benefits and Other Deductions. Deductions may be made for other purposes as noted in the following College policy: Payroll Deductions.

Improper Pay Deductions

The College prohibits the making of improper deductions from an employee’s salary. Employees who believe that an improper deduction has been made from their salary must immediately report the error to Payroll in writing. If the College determines that an improper deduction was made, the College will investigate and resolve, within a reasonable time, all complaints. If appropriate, the College will promptly reimburse the employee as soon as possible, but no later than two pay periods after the College confirms the improper deduction.

Hours and Attendance

Work Hours

An employee’s supervisor will establish the employee’s schedule as well as the starting and ending work times. Workload or deadline demands will periodically require work beyond regular work hours. Supervisors will coordinate their department’s workload to help ensure that an equitable and balanced workload is shared by each employee.

Attendance / Tardiness

Punctual and consistent attendance is required of all employees for the smooth operation of the College. Details of the College’s requirements can be found in the Attendance and Punctuality policy.

Inclement Weather

Unless management indicates that the College is closed for all employees and the President declares an emergency catastrophe, employees who are absent due to weather must use their personal, vacation, or PTO time to cover their absence per their Collective Bargaining Agreement. If the employee has exhausted their paid leave days, the employee’s absence will be unpaid. Salaried employees will be paid in accordance with state and federal law.

Time Reporting Policy

All hourly employees are required to maintain an accurate record of all time worked.

Hourly employees must record their entry/exit at the beginning and end of each workday and must record their time in and out for lunch. In addition, employees who leave the premises or a worksite for any non-business reason must record their entry/exit upon their departure and return. An employee’s failure to accurately record their time may subject that employee to discipline, up to and including termination.

Time reports are College property and may not be removed from the premises. Employees are prohibited from falsifying their own or another employee’s hours worked. Tampering, altering, removing, or falsifying time records is a serious infraction of policy and may lead to appropriate disciplinary actions, up to and including termination consistent with the Attendance and Punctuality policy or the provisions of any College Collective Bargaining Agreement.


Vacation / Sick / Personal Days and Paid Time Off

The College encourages a healthy work-life balance. To that end, the College recognizes that employees should have opportunities for time away from work. In order to permit employees the ability to address their varying needs, the College provides employees with annual allotments of time off (vacation, sick, personal and/or PTO) to help meet those needs. The guidelines around how employees can use the time off for vacation, personal illness, certain holidays not designated as College holidays, appointments, emergencies, or other personal business that requires time off from work are outlined in each Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Leave Time Accrual

Salaried employees receive up to twenty (20) vacation days and five (5) personal business days each year. The full allotment of vacation and personal business days for the fiscal year is deposited to an employee’s leave bank on July 1. The number of days provided to newly hired employees during the fiscal year will be prorated based on the date of hire.

SSA employees will earn paid time off (PTO) at regular pay during each fiscal year as follows:

  • 10‐month SSA employees:
    Less than 9 years’ service = 17 days per year
    9 years but less than 15 = 21 days per year
    15 years and above = 23 days per year

  • 11‐month SSA employees:
    Less than 9 years’ service = 18 days per year
    9 years but less than 15 = 22 days per year
    15 years and above = 26 days per year

  • 12‐month SSA employees:
    Less than 9 years’ service = 20 days per year
    9 years but less than 15 = 24 days per year
    15 years and above = 27 days per year

The number of PTO days for which an SSA employee is eligible will be based on the years of service as of the end of the prior year (June 30). For example, the number of days for which an employee is eligible during the 2024‐2025 year will be based on years of service credited as of June 30, 2024. Refer to the SSA CBA for further information.

Scheduling Time Off

To the extent possible, employees should notify their manager in advance of the need for time off so that the manager can evaluate business needs and plan accordingly.

Employees are encouraged to take time off in full-day increments; however, smaller time increments may be allowed as follows:

  • Salaried employees may take PTO (vacation days and personal business days) in no less than one (1) hour increments.
Coordination With Other Leaves.

To balance both employee and employer needs, the College coordinates PTO and/or sick time with other forms of leave as follows:

If an employee’s absence from work is subsequently approved under the short-term disability (STD) program, the employee is required to exhaust current leave banks before STD is effective. Employees on an approved STD leave do not continue to accrue vacation, personal, sick, and/or PTO time during the STD leave.

Employees on leave protected under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) are required to use all their vacation, personal, sick, and/or PTO entitlement before taking unpaid FMLA leave.

While on an approved leave of absence (e.g., FMLA, unpaid, etc.), employees are prohibited from engaging in any HFC-compensated employment activities.

PTO will not be considered time worked for the purpose of calculating overtime.

PTO/Vacation Carryover. PTO/Vacation carryover is determined by bargaining unit.
  • SSA employees: PTO days cannot be carried forward beyond the fiscal year in which they are earned. However, up to seven (7) remaining unused PTO days will be added to the employee’s accumulated sick leave bank; any unused PTO in excess of seven (7) days will be forfeited.

  • Local 71 and Exempt, non-bargaining unit employees: Administrators can automatically carry forward into the subsequent fiscal year no more than ten (10) unused vacation days or 80 hours of time.

Termination of Employment.

PTO time may not be used to extend an employee's termination date. Once an employee gives notice of resignation or retirement, the employee is expected to work until their termination effective date. Earned, but unused PTO and vacation time, as applicable, will be paid out upon termination; earned, but unused sick time and personal business days are not paid out upon departure or termination.


In addition to PTO or Sick, Personal Business, and Vacation paid time off, HFC employees receive 15 paid holidays per year unless otherwise noted in a Collective Bargaining Agreement:

  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Day after Thanksgiving (SSA employees – See Article 18 of the SSA Collective Bargaining Agreement)
  • Winter Break (days/dates vary each academic year)
  • Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • Spring Break days (usually 2) (occurs in March; days/dates vary each academic year)
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day

Employees may view paid holiday schedules for the current and upcoming fiscal year on the Human Resources webpage. These holiday dates are subject to change, so employees are encouraged to review the approved paid dates annually.

Jury Duty

If an employee is called to serve on a jury, the College will release the employee from work in accordance with federal and state laws. The College will treat the time off as an excused absence if the employee provides timely notice of the jury duty to their department supervisor. Jury summons documentation should be submitted to Human Resources. In the event an employee is selected to serve, documentation at the conclusion of the trial should also be submitted to Human Resources. If an employee fails to provide the substantiating court paperwork, the College will view the leave as an unexcused absence from work.

Jury duty will be paid. The College is obligated to pay only an amount equal to the difference between the employee’s daily salary or regular straight hourly pay for such time served; therefore, the employee will continue to be paid while serving and any compensation received from serving should be endorsed over to the College and forwarded to payroll. Jury duty will not be considered time worked for the purpose of calculating overtime.

Bereavement Leave

The College provides all employees eligible for sick leave with a bereavement leave of absence to arrange and/or attend a funeral and to see to the affairs of the estate of a deceased member of their immediate family.

A bereavement leave of absence is a paid leave, chargeable to the employee's sick leave, and maintains all aspects of the employment relationship during the regularly scheduled days of work when the employee is absent.

You may request up to three working days of bereavement leave for the death of an immediate family member, unless designated differently in the collective bargaining agreement. Immediate family members, for the purposes of this policy, are generally defined as a spouse, child, parent, sibling, step of the above, in‐law, grandparent, grandchild, and spouse’s grandparents; aunt, uncle, cousin, foster child, or children assigned by the court. The obituary may be requested by Human Resources.

Bereavement leave will not be considered time worked for the purpose of calculating overtime.

Military Leave

The College will comply with all state and federal laws and regulations for employees needing a leave of absence for military service. Contact Human Resources for further details.

Medical and Family Leave

The College recognizes the importance of providing assistance to employees so that they may take care of legitimate family needs. The College has policies in place for sick leave, vacation time, and personal days, or, for Support Staff Association employees, paid time off (PTO). The College’s FMLA Policy provides for additional rights, responsibilities, and obligations for its employees. While on an approved FMLA leave of absence, employees are prohibited from engaging in any compensated HFC work.

Other Personal Leaves of Absence

Employees who desire time off in addition to or outside of existing PTO or vacation/sick leaves already defined may request a personal leave of absence without pay or in accordance with their respective Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Please contact Human Resources for more information on request procedures.

The employee must return to work on the scheduled return date or be considered to have voluntarily resigned from their employment. Extensions of leave will only be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be agreed to by the President of the College. All requests for leaves of absence and extensions must be in writing.

Please note that while on an approved leave of absence (e.g., FMLA, unpaid, etc.), employees are prohibited from engaging in any HFC-compensated employment activities.



This handbook describes the current employee benefits offered to eligible employees. Eligibility and coverage are governed by the Official Plan documents and insurance policies. The ability to select a plan is offered during the open enrollment period, which typically occurs in the late fall, and employee election is based on their respective bargaining units. Should a conflict exist between the Official Plan documents and this handbook, the Official Plan documents will control in all cases. The College reserves the right to make modifications or changes to the plans at any time, including changes in benefits, coverage, carriers, employee contributions, premiums, co-payments, deductibles and/or elimination of the plans entirely.

Specific benefits are determined by the employee's collective bargaining unit/exempt, non-bargaining unit status; see the appropriate benefit package. Please contact Human Resources if you have questions on your benefits eligibility.

Benefits Offered

The College offers a wide range of health benefits to eligible employees and their spouses, dependents, and other qualifying family members in an equitable and cost-effective way and in compliance with applicable state and federal laws, including:

  • Health care/medical (details depend on collective bargaining unit -- employee premium and co-pays vary).

  • Dental care (no employee premium; co-pays specified). Buy-up options are available to SSA employees.

  • Vision care (no employee premium; co-pays specified). Buy-up options are available to SSA employees.

A few of the additional resources currently offered at no charge to employees, except where noted, include:

Newly eligible employees will become a participant in the appropriate plans either on the first day of the month following date of hire, or after 60 days for employees in the SSA unit. Once the selection is made it will remain fixed for the remainder of the plan year; however, employees will have an opportunity to make changes to their benefit selections during the College's annual open enrollment period.

Also, employees who experience a qualifying life event such as marriage, divorce, death of a spouse/child or the birth of a child will also be allowed to make a change in their benefit selection within 30 days of the life qualifying event in accordance with the terms of the plan document. Please contact Human Resources to submit necessary documents and make the change.

The College contributes significantly to the cost of medical, vision, and dental insurance. Employees should contact Human Resources with any questions.
*Represented employees should refer to the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement to determine eligibility.

Employee Pension Supplement Plans

The College recognizes the importance of saving for retirement and offers eligible employees a 403(b), 457(b) plan, or Roth IRA plan.

Eligibility, vesting, and all other matters relating to these plans are explained in the Summary Plan Description that can be obtained from HR.

Employee Assistance Program

The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a resource designed to provide highly confidential and experienced help for employees in dealing with issues that affect their lives and the quality of their job performance.

Workers’ Compensation

All employees are covered by Workers’ Compensation Insurance as required by law. Workers’ Compensation provides benefits to employees who sustain eligible work-related injury or illness. Employees may be eligible for medical treatment and other coverage prescribed by state law depending on the circumstances of each case. No benefits will be paid for injuries that occur off the job, on PTO or vacation time or any leave time, or during travel to and from work, or during an employee’s voluntary participation in any off-duty recreational, social, or athletic activity sponsored by the College.

Employees must report all injuries and incidents that occur in the workplace that require medical attention to the Campus Safety Office immediately on the day of the injury/incident. Employees will be directed to the appropriate medical facility for treatment as needed, in accordance with policy Reporting Accidents. Seeking medical treatment at a facility other than those contracted by the College may result in treatment costs being denied.

Drug and Alcohol-Free Workplace

Henry Ford College is committed to an environment free of drugs and/or alcohol abuse in the workplace and in all learning spaces. Accordingly, the College has implemented a Drug and Alcohol Policy that applies to all Board of Trustees members, faculty, staff, students, vendors, applicants for employment, and visitors to Henry Ford College campuses.

To implement this policy and assure compliance with the foregoing rules, the College reserves the right to inspect the property and person of all individuals while on College property (including but not limited to vehicles, packages, purses, lunch boxes, briefcases, lockers, workstations, and desks) when there is reasonable suspicion.

The College further reserves the right, in its sole discretion under certain circumstances, to require employees to submit to drug and/or alcohol testing by a qualified independent laboratory.

Employees may be designated by Human Resources for drug and alcohol testing under any of the following conditions:

Testing Upon Reasonable Suspicion

An employee will be sent for a drug/alcohol test when there is reasonable suspicion to believe that the employee is using or is under the influence of drugs or alcohol. “Reasonable suspicion” is based on a belief that an employee is using or has used drugs or alcohol in violation of the College’s policy drawn from specific objective and articulable facts. Among other things, such facts may be based upon, but not limited to, the following:

  • Observable phenomena while at work such as direct observation of substance abuse or of the physical symptoms or manifestations of being impaired due to substance abuse.
  • Abnormal conduct or erratic behavior while at work or a significant deterioration in work performance.
  • A report of substance abuse provided by a reliable and credible source.
  • Evidence that an individual has tampered with any substance abuse test during their application to or employment with the College.
  • Information that an employee has caused or contributed to an accident while at work; or
  • Evidence that an employee has used, possessed, sold, solicited, or transferred drugs while working or while on the College’s premises or while operating the College’s vehicle, machinery or equipment.

Post-Accident Testing

Post-accident testing may be conducted if an accident occurs and the College, in its sole discretion, believes that drugs or alcohol use may have contributed to or caused the accident. An accident is considered an unplanned, unexpected, or unintended event that occurs on College property, during the conduct of the College’s business, during working hours, or which involves College-supplied equipment, motor vehicles, or motor vehicles that are used in conducting College business, or is within the scope of employment, and which results in any of the following:

  • Bodily injury to the employee and/or another person that requires off-site medical attention away from the employee’s place of employment.
  • Vehicular/Equipment damage; and/or
  • Non-Vehicular/Equipment damage.

Any employee who may have contributed to the accident may be tested for drugs and/or alcohol use. Failure or refusal to submit to a drug test or evidence that the employee tampered with a drug or alcohol test will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Violence in the Workplace

The College strives to provide a safe work environment for all employees and will not tolerate any type of workplace violence committed by or against employees. Employees are prohibited from making threats or engaging in violent activities.

The behaviors listed below, while not inclusive, are examples of prohibited conduct:

  • Causing physical injury to another person.

  • Making threatening remarks.

  • Aggressive or hostile behavior that creates a reasonable fear of injury to another person or subjects another individual to emotional distress.

  • Damaging College property or the property of another employee.

  • Possession of any weapon while on College property or while on College business as further detailed in the Dangerous Weapons policy.

  • Committing acts motivated by, or related to, racial, ethnic, or sexual harassment and domestic violence.

Any suspected violations of this policy must be reported immediately to Human Resources. An employee should never engage in either physical or verbal confrontation with a potentially violent individual. If an employee encounters an individual who is threatening immediate harm to an employee, student, or other visitors to College premises, contact Campus Safety. If Campus Safety does not respond, immediately call 9-1-1.

All reported suspected violations of this policy will be appropriately investigated. Any employee determined to have committed such acts will be subject to immediate disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Standards of Conduct and Civility

All College employees are always expected to conduct themselves in a professional and courteous manner. The orderly and efficient operations of the College require that employees always maintain proper standards of conduct.

A general outline of what conduct is expected and what conduct will not be tolerated by the College can be reviewed in the Standards of Conduct and Civility policy and procedures.

Conflicts of Interest

A conflict of interest arises when the activities or circumstances of an employee result in, or provide an opportunity for, another employee to gain an improper advantage or to influence decisions contrary to the best interest of the College. The College’s expectations around conflicts of interest, including nepotism and outside activities, are outlined in the Conflicts of Interest, Nepotism and Outside Activities policy. Every year, the College will require employees to sign an acknowledgment that they have read, and agree to abide by, the terms and conditions set forth in the Conflicts of Interest policy.

Electronic Devices and Communications Policy

Computers, computer files, telephones, voicemail systems, the email system, and software, hardware, tablets, communication devices, including cell phones or smart phones, and any other electronic devices or related parts (collectively referred to as “electronic devices”) whether furnished to employees by the College or personally owned and brought on campus, as well as social media used for College-related communication, must adhere to applicable government regulations and laws, as well as the College’s mission and business practices, including but not limited to, policies, procedures, and standards relating to ethics, confidentiality, and professional conduct. The Computer Systems Acceptable Use Policy and the Social Media and Cell Phone Use policies provide more detailed guidance.

Freedom of Information Act

The College complies with the Michigan Freedom of Information Act and, as such, employees should understand their rights and obligations as it relates to a request for public records. More details are found in the Public Records (FOIA) policy. All FOIA requests must be directed to the College’s FOIA Coordinator for response.

Whistleblowers’ Protection Policy

The College expects all its employees to conduct themselves with integrity and to maintain the highest ethical standards in their working relationships and in the performance of their duties. All members of the College are encouraged to report violations or suspected violations of laws, regulations, College policies and procedures, fraud, and inappropriate business, accounting, bookkeeping, payroll practices, falsification of records or other related functions. As such, the College’s Whistleblowers' Protection Policy is consistent with the State of Michigan’s Whistleblowers’ Protection Act. No one may be retaliated against for filing, or participating in, a whistleblower action. Please see the College’s Non-Retaliation Policy.

Accidents and Emergencies

Maintaining a safe work environment requires the continuous cooperation of all employees. The College strongly encourages employees to communicate with fellow employees and their supervisor regarding safety issues. Most accidents can be prevented with proper caution. All employees are expected to exercise reasonable care and caution during their employment duties and to be aware of their surroundings.

All employees will be provided care, first-aid, and emergency service, as required, for injuries or illnesses while on College premises. Employees should contact a supervisor or Campus Safety at 4911 and/or 911 in the event of an accident or emergency. If you refuse to go to the hospital or refuse medical treatment, you will be asked to sign a refusal of medical treatment form.

Driving on College Business

All employees who drive either College-owned vehicles or personal vehicles for College business are required to have and maintain a valid driver’s license as a condition of employment with the College and abide by the Motor Vehicle Policy.

Internal Investigations and Searches

From time to time, the College may conduct internal investigations pertaining to security, auditing, or work-related matters or student issues. Employees are required to cooperate fully with and assist in these investigations if requested to do so.

In the event of a claim, lawsuit, government investigation, enforcement action, audit, subpoena, summons, or legal action that requires retention of records, Legal Services will notify relevant departments and work with the department heads or their designees to identify and preserve any documents or records that could be relevant to the pending or anticipated matter. Employees should be familiar with the Student Complaint Policy and Preservation of Documents Subject to Litigation.

Employees are advised that work areas (i.e., offices, desks, file cabinets, lockers, etc.), are the property of the College, and employees have no expectation of privacy with respect to these College work areas or any work devices. When necessary, in the College’s discretion, these work areas, including any personal belongings stored within them, are subject to search with or without notice. Employees are required to cooperate fully. An employee’s failure or refusal to cooperate may result in discipline, up to and including termination, consistent with the disciplinary steps of any Collective Bargaining Agreement. Personal items carried to/from College work areas (e.g., backpacks, laptop cases, purses, handbags, lunchboxes, etc.) are likewise subject to search when the College, in its discretion, and upon approval of executive leadership and the Executive Director of Human Resources, determines it is reasonable and necessary for the purposes of an investigation.

Minors on Campus and Mandated Reporter

According to College policy, employees are generally prohibited from bringing minors to work (see policy link below). Employees experiencing an exceptional family emergency must contact their supervisor for additional guidance.

In addition, all employees and staff are considered mandated reporters and should be aware of their obligations under the statute.

For further information on these topics, please see: Minors on Campus.

Personal Belongings

While the College will do everything possible to maintain security in our work locations, it is not responsible for personal possessions that are brought into the workplace. It is strongly recommended that the only items brought to work be those which are needed to perform your work. You should not leave money or other valuables unattended.

In the event any personal property is missing, it is not the responsibility of the College to reimburse the employee for their loss.

Dress and Grooming Standards

Employees are expected to dress appropriately for their position, which includes a neat and professional image that reflects pride in being a member of the College community. Employees will be given guidance regarding any required work attire, uniforms, etc. by their department supervisor and will be expected to adhere to all department-specific requirements.

Employees are also expected to maintain a high level of personal hygiene (including bathing regularly, using antiperspirant or deodorant, and brushing teeth). Additionally, employees should refrain from wearing strong fragrances that may be bothersome to others. Unprofessional appearance and/or poor hygiene will be addressed with the employee by their immediate supervisor on an individual basis. If a supervisor determines that an employee’s dress or appearance is not appropriate as outlined above or per the applicable department policy, they may require the employee to leave the work area to make necessary changes toward compliance.

Smoke-Free Campus

No person shall smoke, chew, or otherwise use tobacco, tobacco products, tobacco-derived, or smoking simulation products or devices, on, in, or upon property owned or leased by the College, with the exception of use in private vehicles. Definitions and further details can be found in the Smoke-Free Campus policy.

Solicitations and Distributions

Solicitation by employees on College property is prohibited when the person soliciting, or the person being solicited, is on working time. Working time is the time employees are expected to be working and does not include rest, meal, or other authorized breaks.

Distribution of literature by employees, including via email or other electronic means, on College property is allowed only in nonworking areas and then only during nonworking time.

Messages and Bulletin Boards

If employees have news or events they want to promote to HFC audiences or the public, Marketing and Communications can help. Employees are encouraged to review the guidelines on the Marketing and Communications webpage and contact the department for further information as needed. Failure to abide by Marketing and Communications’ guidelines may result in discipline, up to and including termination, or consistent with the disciplinary steps of any Collective Bargaining Agreement.

Background Checks

Applicants and employees may be subject to various background checks and physical exam requirements depending on the position for which they are being considered. The College’s policies around these criminal checks can be found here: Criminal History Record Check. Applicants and employees will be notified of any required checks, based upon position, by Human Resources or the appropriate department supervisor.

Physical exams may be required of an employee or candidate, after a conditional offer of employment, in order to determine the physical and/or mental capacity to perform the essential functions of the job. Such examinations shall be done in accordance with the terms of any Collective Bargaining Agreements.

Reports of all such examinations or evaluations shall be delivered to Human Resources, who shall protect employees’/candidates’ confidentiality. Reports will be discussed with the employee or candidate and retained on file by the Office of Human Resources. In the event the background check report reveals a condition that could influence job performance, Human Resources shall recommend non-employment upon conferring with a physician and substantiating that the condition is directly correlated to defined job responsibilities and reasonable accommodation will not allow the employee or prospective employee to adequately fulfill those responsibilities.

Nursing teaching faculty undergo a tuberculosis examination upon initial employment and every three (3) years thereafter.

Record Keeping Policy

Documents and Records

It is the College’s policy to comply with the law and to maintain accurate records. Employees must follow the following policies.

Under this policy, “records” means paper documents and data existing on paper, as well as documents and data stored electronically, such as emails, word processing documents, spreadsheets, ledgers, images, audio files, and video files. It includes records that you created, edited, sent, received, or otherwise handled in any way.

Under this policy, “College records” exist wherever you have saved or stored documents or data related to the College, including, but not limited to: the College’s network; the hard drive of a College desktop or laptop computer; USB or “flash” drives; external media such as CDs, DVDs, or SD cards; and/or the voicemail system of your personal desk phone or cell phone issued by the College.

All the College’s records must be preserved in the normal course of business and in accordance with the College’s Record Management and Destruction Policy. Moreover, upon learning that legal action involving the College is likely, or has been threatened or commenced, employees must: (i) immediately suspend all practices that would otherwise allow for the routine discarding of records in the normal course of business; and (ii) promptly seek direction from their supervisor in accordance with the Preservation of Documents Subject to Litigation Policy. Legal action involving the College includes, but is not limited to, situations when:

  • The College is under investigation by any governmental agency;

  • A claim has been made against the College or a lawsuit against the College has been threatened or commenced;

  • Circumstances have arisen where a claim or lawsuit against the College should be or can reasonably be expected; or

  • The College is considering, planning, or has commenced an investigation or lawsuit of its own.

Under any of those circumstances, Legal Services will notify relevant departments and work with the department heads or their designees to identify and preserve any documents or records that could be relevant to the pending or anticipated matter. Employees should also contact their supervisor to discuss: (i) whether they have records that may relate to the subject matter of the potential or pending legal action; (ii) the places where they have kept such records; and (iii) steps to search for, locate, collect, and preserve all such records. Additionally, if at any time employees have questions about whether and how a document should be retained, they should contact their supervisor.

Personnel Records

The College maintains a personnel file on each employee. The personnel file includes information such as the employee’s job application, resume, records of training, documentation of performance evaluations, and other employment records. Personnel files are the property of the College, and the College restricts access to the information. Generally, only supervisors and management personnel with a need to know will have access to the personnel files.

To keep necessary College records up to date, it is extremely important that you notify the College of any changes in:

  • Name;

  • Marital status;

  • Address and/or telephone number;

  • Number of eligible dependents;

  • W-4 deductions; and

  • Person to contact in case of emergency.

An employee’s College email address, physical address, and telephone number on file will be used for all official correspondence. It is the employee’s responsibility to ensure that their physical address and personal telephone number are updated as needed.

Any questions employees have regarding their employee file should be directed to Human Resources and the following Personnel Files policy. Records exempt from this inspection include but are not limited to potential job assignments, predictions of future salary, personnel planning information, records related to the investigation of a possible criminal offense, third-party references, ratings, reports, or records obtained prior to employment, or information available to the employee under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Where state law governs specifically which documents are available for viewing and which are not, the employer will comply with the law. The College reserves the right to maintain separate files on employees for some personnel information, such as I-9 forms and health records. Employees have the same right to view their health records as they do regarding their personnel file. However, at no time does an employee have unauthorized access to information about a third party, e.g., a coworker.

Performance Reviews / Evaluations

Evaluations of employee performance are important to the College. In most cases, an employee’s immediate supervisor will review their job progress and help to set new job performance plans and goals. Employees may be asked to do a self-assessment prior to the performance evaluation that will be compared to a supervisor’s assessment. Good communication of responsibilities and objectives, an opportunity to address the future, as well as past and present performance, should be a part of this experience. Further guidance regarding evaluations is outlined in the following policy: Employee Evaluations.

As a part of the evaluation process, supervisors and employees should review the most recent job description for the position. Human Resources should be notified of any discrepancies between the duties performed and an employee’s job description for further handling, as outlined in the Job Descriptions policy.

The College encourages all staff to work with their supervisor to identify and consider appropriate professional growth and development activities. Participation in any program is considered voluntary unless considered part of the duties of any participating staff member according to provisions in a Collective Bargaining Agreement or other contractual agreement. Human Resources is a great source of information to assist employees in furthering their professional growth.

Employment Deadlines

The College is interested in providing a fair and consistent employment process where applicants and recruitment activities are managed by Human Resources. Guidance around the scope and process for approving new hires can be found in the following policies:
Employment of Professional Staff
Employment of Support Staff

Employment Verifications and References

Employment verification information is limited to providing dates of employment, the employee’s position with the College, and the employee’s current earnings, including any bonuses and overtime earnings unless otherwise required by state law. A written authorization from the employee to release this information is required before information will be released. A new authorization must be signed for each request.

It is the policy of the College that requests to provide references for former employees (whether for the professional or operations staff) be directed to Human Resources. Supervisors are not authorized to release information about a current or former employee without consultation with Human Resources. The College’s standard policy is to confirm title and dates of employment for reference requests.

Job-Related Expenses

Actual and necessary expenses, including travel expenses incurred in the course of performing services for the College and attending approved meetings outside the College, may be reimbursable subject to the administrative procedures and Collective Bargaining Agreements. Job-related travel and expenses must be pre-approved by an employee’s immediate supervisor in accordance with the
Travel and Conference Reimbursement Procedures for HFC’s SSA, 71, DSOEA and exempt employees
Travel and Conference Reimbursement Procedures for American Federation of Teachers Local 1650

The validity of payments for job-related expenses shall be determined by Financial Services.

Leaving the College

As set forth in introduction section of this Handbook, the employment relationship is terminable at the will of either the employee or the College with or without notice, and with or without cause, except where governed by a specific Collective Bargaining Agreement. At will means that just as any employee may terminate their employment with the College at any time, for any or no reason, so may the College terminate an employee’s employment at any time, for any or no reason. Nothing in this handbook is intended to conflict with the current contractual agreements between the College and the applicable collective bargaining units.

Voluntary Termination / Resignation

Should you choose to resign, please provide your resignation notice in writing to your supervisor, including the effective date of your resignation and a current address, so that your year-end tax information (Form W-2) and other correspondence can be sent to you.

The College requests that you provide a minimum of two-weeks’ notice to assist with scheduling and planning.

All College property must immediately be returned upon separation, including, but not limited to, keys, name badges, cell phones, equipment, passwords, records, and confidential or proprietary information. Physical items should be delivered to Campus Safety by the employee or their immediate supervisor.

Some benefits may be continued after termination at the employee's expense. If you have questions about benefits or other matters, contact Human Resources.

The College will conduct an exit interview with you to learn about your College experiences and, if you wish to share, the reasons for your departure. The College hopes to gather information from all employees to make any necessary changes or improvements.

Involuntary Termination

Involuntary terminations are initiated by the College and may be non-disciplinary (i.e., layoff), or disciplinary (i.e., separation).

Involuntary termination review/appeal processes for bargaining unit employees are determined by the terms of the Collective Bargaining Agreements (CBAs). Please refer to the applicable CBA for details.

When a non-represented or probationary employee is separated, the following Appeal Procedure provides a method by which a non-represented or probationary employee can have their separation from employment reviewed by a member of Human Resources, who was not directly involved in the decision-making process. A terminated employee may request a hearing to respond to the notice of termination. The hearing request must be submitted in writing to the Office of Human Resources within five (5) working days following the notice of termination. Within the (10) working days following receipt of the request, Human Resources will schedule a meeting, to be attended by the Executive Director of Human Resources or an appropriate designee, during which the affected employee may contest the termination decision by sharing their perspective of the circumstances that prompted termination. Within fourteen (14) working days following the hearing, the Executive Director of Human Resources will conduct any necessary investigation and provide a written response confirming or reversing the decision to terminate.