Kingfisher Bluff

About Kingfisher Bluff

Kingfisher Bluff is located along the main branch of the Rouge River at the western edge of HFC's main campus. The Rouge River meanders through this area and makes a sharp bend at Kingfisher Bluff. Over time, the river caused significant stream bank erosion at the toe of the bluff, resulting in bank failures. In the mid-2000s, The Kingfisher Bluff Project was implemented to reduce pollution, increase recreational opportunities, enhance and preserve habitat, and reduce water volumes and velocities. It was funded through grant money from the Clean Michigan Initiative and the Wayne County Rouge Program Office. The design included the stabilization of the existing bluff and the construction of an observation overlook with interpretive signage, a connecting pathway to the Rouge River Gateway Trail, and stormwater best management practices such as porous pavement and a bio-retention basin.

See Rouge River Restoration Program

What We Changed

HFC stabilized the stream bank at Kingfisher Bluff to eliminate this area as a source of excessive sediment to the Rouge River.


Erosion of Kingfisher Bluff

Plan to Stabilize Kingfisher Bluff


Stabilized Kingfisher Bluff

Current Kingfisher Bluff with Foliage

HFC created a scenic overlook and installed interpretive signage to educate the public about the Rouge River.


Plans for Kingfisher Bluff Deck


Current Kingfisher Bluff Deck

HFC constructed a short walkway to the Gateway Trail that connects to the Rouge Parkway and continues to Michigan Avenue.


Before Trail


Current Trail

HFC installed best management practices to manage stormwater from the adjacent campus parking area.

Best Management Practices:

  • 410 linear feet stream bank stabilized;
  • 8,384 cubic feet treated by a bio-retention basin; and
  • 1,587 square feet porous pavement installed.

Annual Load Reductions:

  • Sediment: 685 tons per year;
  • Phosphorus: 122 pounds per year; and
  • Nitrogen: 253 pounds per year.


Before construction Parking lot


After Parking lot with runoff basin