Democracy at HFC

Promoting democracy through the development of civically literate and participatory youth

Democracy Institute Consortium

The Michigan Democracy Institute Consortium was formed in 2015 to promote Political and Civic Engagement in democratic and community affairs. American Democracy’s success requires informed engaged citizens to participate regularly in democratic and community affairs as a means of promoting citizen concerns and values to representatives.

The Consortium is an outgrowth of years of collaborations between partners representing numerous higher education institutions and voluntary associations in Michigan. The success of the consortium is based on the numerous individuals who see the goals of democratic education and engagement as something essential to American life.

Recent News

Zena Sattar Aljilehawi (left) and Rashida Tlaib (right).

HFC student selected to statewide Collegiate Student Advisory Task Force

Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson recently selected HFC student Zena Sattar Aljilehawi to serve on a statewide committee to improve voter engagement.
Representative Erin Byrnes (left) and Senator Sylvia Santana (right).

HFC hosts the 20th Michigan Student Political Issues Convention

The October 27 Michigan Student Political Issues Convention is an opportunity for students to become politically engaged and have their voices heard.
From L-R: Zena Aljilehawi, Representative Erin Byrnes, Irene Watts HFC Board of Trustee, Supreme Court Justice Elizabeth Welch and Shaquila Myers, Chief of Staff to the Speaker of the Michigan House of Representatives Joe Tate

Women Leaders in Government conference features Benson, Nessel, state and national leaders

Female political leaders will share their perspectives on public service at Oct. 26's Women Leaders in Government Conference.
Henderson, Clark, Finley images with microphone and "Future of Work"

“Future of Work: The Battle for Gen Z” town hall features luminaries and VIPs

Journalists, state leaders, college and university presidents, and the public will come together in a robust town hall conversation sponsored by Detroit Public Television.

Partner Organizations

Potential new partners should focus on nonpartisan issue examination, political education and civic engagement as this is the cornerstone of the Michigan Democracy Institute Consortium. The Consortium aims to annually host events that promote political knowledge and engagement and will support the partners by supporting members as needed with related events and activities that meet the mission of the Consortium.

To get involved or partner with the Michigan Democracy Consortium contact:

Anthony Perry, Director, 313-845-6383

Henry Ford College
League of Women Voters
University of Michigan-Dearborn
Oakland Community College
Center for Peace & Conflict Studies