Course Placement Testing

What to Expect

  • A valid photo ID is mandatory for all students testing.
  • Allow approximately two hours to complete the process. The Accuplacer Math and Reading course placement is not timed. The CaMLA ESL course placement is timed and allows 60 minutes for completion.
  • Please leave cell phones, laptops and other mobile/electronic devices in a secure location. Cell phones and other electronic devices are not permitted in the testing area.
  • Get a good night's sleep before you test!
  • The Course Placement tests are computerized tests and require you to know how to use a computer to enter your answers.
  • A pop-up calculator is available within the Math placement test. No other calculators may be used.
  • You may not use study aids on any section.

Available Tests


Accuplacer is a computer-based placement test; it is a product of The College Board. All Math and Reading course placement is done using Accuplacer.


If you speak a language other than English while at home, you will be administered the ESL Course Placement called CaMLA. The CaMLA English Placement Test provides an accurate assessment of a general language proficiency by measuring performance in the following skill areas:

  • Listening comprehension
  • Grammatical knowledge
  • Vocabulary range
  • Reading comprehension

Chemistry Placement

The chemistry placement test is no longer being used for CHEM-141 placement. As long you meet the Math and English prerequisites and have successfully completed chemistry in High School with a "B" or better, you can email the School of STEM ( to request a CHEM-111 waiver.

Retaking Tests

You can retake the Accuplacer course placement for a second time after 24 hours. If you wish to retake course placement for the third and final time, you must first talk to an academic advisor, and obtain written permission from them.

You can retake the CaMLA ESL test for a second time after 30 days. If you wish to take the CaMLA test for the third and final time, you must wait three months before doing so. If you are currently enrolled in the ELI or in an ESL course, you may not test again until two weeks before final exams. The placement test cannot be used to substitute for course performance.

Preparation Resources

To prepare for the Course Placement assessment, or if you feel you can improve your scores, you may take advantage of resources at the HFC Learning Lab. Or view College Board’s Accuplacer information and resources to find out more about what to expect on the Accuplacer.

Send Scores

Your test scores are available for you to print at any time. To access your scores, log in to HFC Self-Service Test Summary.

You may also request your Course Placement scores by submitting an Authorization to Release Placement Score Form to the Assessment Center. Incomplete forms will not be processed. Scores that can be requested include COMPASS and Accuplacer.