Stage Costuming

Our lab includes drafting table, one industrial and two home sewing machines, two cutting tables, and storage for more than 3,000 pieces and accessories. Covering the major periods through contemporary, international, fantasy, animal and dance costumes, we have a stock that provides a good first pull for virtually any production. Our resident designer and technical director can lead you through the various processes of production preparation. Once annually a qualified student designs a show and assistant costumer positions are available for students, or as part of our federal work-study program.

THEA-138 Stage Costuming

Credit Hours: 
Course Description: 
Introduces the history, design, and construction of costumes for the stage. Students selectively study the history of stage costuming from the Greeks to the present day with an emphasis on line, form, production requirements, principles of stage costume design, and building techniques.
Eligible to take ENG courses at HFC